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Game state


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This is a bit of a rant, so you're warned now!



So, i read about the game well over a year ago and got excited about it, just like many others.



Game launches, i begin to DL it, only to be meet with a horendous speed (<2mb/s(P2P would be nice here)).

Installation went fine.

Now comes the problems, launching the BnS Launcher.

Took me well over 30 mins just to get into the game the first time, was meet with numerous error messages etc.

Character created, server joined, got to lvl 12 on my DE, only to suddenly get tossed off.

Launch the game again, 15 mins later i'm finally able to get in a +2k people queue.

Okay, look at the forum while waiting in queue, only to see that my server of choice (windrest) was over populated (tell people that when picking the server).

Hmmm, new character, new server, not that big of  deal really.

2 hours into my farming on the new character, suddenly booted out of the game again, log back in (after several failed attempts to launch the game), and yet another queue.

Shop, come here, i need Premium time, CBA to sit in queue again.

So, i log in this morning, play a few hours, and get meet with a maintenance message, okay, those are needed, no problem there (except the time if happened).

Afterwards, i spend +2 hours to try and log into the game, and end up giving up.



Launcher, what a POS, can't be right that it cant even load the game and keeps "crashing"/flood you with error messages.

Servers, WTB info on population before making a character on a server.

The actuall game aint bad imo, there's still things i enjoy about the game.

EU Server maintenance, seperate it from the US one, avoid taking them down at 12.00 GMT.


I've experienced games in Closed Beta Testing(SWTOR, AW, WowS, D3, Rift etc) that worked better overall.

The launcher failures and server instability are enough for me to stop playing for now, i simply CBA to spend atleast 15 mins, just getting in to character selection.


I'll check back in a couple of months, and see if the game have left Alpha testing by then.


So, for those that stay, enjoy the game and have fun.



Sorry for the spelling, aint my native language.


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The problem is this game has been anticipated for a long time. There are thousands of people wanting to play this game and peak time is a horrible time to log in. It's only been a few days. An alpha/beta test can only go so far - they never expected this many players. Give it a week or so, they've already implemented an afk-kick system after everyone asked for one. 


In regards to the maint I agree, it should not be during daytime hours as this causes a lot of disruption to the players. 


There are many posts on this topic, maybe you should post on one of those and see if you find an answer rather than creating a new topic? 

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