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Frequent DC (300)(100.10053)


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So now I¨ve been playing since EU/NA release date the 19th of Jan. I havent encountered any notable soft-locks or disconnects up until now having leveled up a character to 20.
I witness no lag or FPS-drops, have had internet connection at all times. Even had a diagnostic done at my ISP but they find no viable reason to these interruptions.
It doubtfully lies on latency, or tech.
Figuring that I live in the north Im not excluded from EU, makes it easier that after you get disconnected, sitting in queue for hours, you then barely get any time to read the error message.

TL;DR Anyone else get a likeworthy error message or have frequent disconnects in EU without a reasonable explanation at hand?

Might add running smoothly on i7, 12gb faculted RAM win7 and GTX680 
Excerpt from these constant disconnects now suddenly faceting.

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