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Thank you NCSoft


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I really felt it was time to appreciate the gift that NCSoft has kindly provided us with and say thank you. Thank you NCSoft for the hours I've already spent in this game. Thank you for the flawlessly working game and the high end servers, having my game crash for some unknown reason and seeing the login queue of 1400 other people trying to log in really fills me with delight while on the other end my friend who I was just playing with is waiting for me to log in. The short wait time of 1 hour + really gives you the opportunity to take a nice break... and eat, sleep, take several dumps and go to work and come back just to see that you are still in queue. In the meanwhile my friend is waiting in game since we normally level together. With this capacity I cannot imagine how much these server must have cost, at least as much as my high end toaster for sure. Thank you for the extraordinary game design, me trying to hit enemies when they are running doesn't really make sense anyway so making them unable to be hit while they are walking away from me, even though I have extended range on Breeze , is brilliant. Thank you for the magnificent PvP matchmaking system that consistently matches me up against level 40+ players who are actually good at the game. Thank you for the oh so fast respawn rates on mobs, the feeling of other players swarming and camping the spawn locations like hungry vultures is undescribeable. Thank you for the amazing movement system that keeps resetting me to the ground when I try to sprint jump up a ledge that I would normally be barely able to reach. Thank you for the well working Clan/Guild system and the short time of "unknown" until a previously used name for a guild, that was accidentlly created to check if the name was available and instantly deleted again, is available again. There were more equally important things on my mind that I wanted to thank you for but I must have forgotten them in the sight of the blinding glory of all of these wonderful things listed above. I hope you keep working and polishing the game so that at some point everyone can enjoy the game just as much as I do.


Lots of love
- Toxic

Warning, this topic may or may not contain abstruse amounts of satire and hyperboles as well as faint hints of salt.

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