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Skype Push-to-Talk


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3 minutes ago, 840956_1452550117 said:

Do you close the small window on the top side of your screen on the right side while you got a call?

Tried it, it didn't help. I usually close it, and even after placing it under my cursor, forcing it off of Blade & Soul, Push-to-Talk still doesn't work. It works as soon as Blade & Soul is not in focus.

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Bit of a late response, but I had this same issue and was able to fix it by running Skype in administrator mode. It seems Blade and Soul runs in this (administrator mode) by default and this prevents Skype from detecting you pressing your push to talk key. If you don't know how to run Skype in administrator mode, just close Skype and then right click the Skype icon and the option should be there. Optionally you may be able to change Blade and Soul to not run in administrator mode which may also work.

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