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Mouse leaving client in fullscreen mode


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I have a dual screen setup and sometimes when i rotate the camera to the right, the mouse will leave the client and click on my desktop. Now I can live with this to a degree in PvE, but when it happens in PvP and I end up staring at my desktop (desperately trying to alt-tab back in) it becomes a pain. I had this prob in CBT and you were aware of it then, and in the release patch notes it says you fixed it. I'll leave it with you. Cheers.

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I'm not using a dual screen setup but when i rotate the camera (whatever direction), I sometimes see the mouse blinking in and out and also moving.  When the mouse hits he edge of the screen, it makes rotating the camera choppy.  This becomes annoying when trying to kite or pvp as I have to hold ALT and move the mouse back to the middle of the screen to solve the issue for the next 2 minutes.

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