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Hey Player Watcha "Playing"?


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Hello to you all who are waiting in dear queue way too long because like me you refuse to buy premium just in order to play supposedly "F2P" game. 

So lets talk about our dear waiting adventures while we wait and wait and wait....and get our hair grey while we wait. Lets waste all our best years on this amazing queue shall we. Bring in vodka, rum, beer or whatever you are drinking and let's get drunk together and hang out in this queue waiting room until one of us perhaps gets luck and actually plays game they payed(like me) or just play game because last I checked game is supposedly meant to be played.


Lets talk about our adventures, shall we. So how it all went you wonder? 

Well here is how, first I logged in game and waited just around 30 min mind you, very little right? However as I played I come across Soha(that one with stupid hair antenna and one that I hate from now on and here is why...) and after her cutscene my screen went black and it crashed after 1 min or so. So what did I do. Well I logged in again and queue again however this time queue didn't say 30 min. but 230 years!!! Lol right? After 10 min passed this ridicules time went from 230 to..... 6 months! And finally it went from 6 months to just 500 min. And when things seems to get better and just perhaps I get more normal queue time as it goes...WRONG! It jumps from 500 min. to 2 YEARS! So what happens after 2 years? Where does it go? Well this is where:


*ba dum tsss*

And I've been trying to queue again for 20 min now and this is message I keep getting. Now I can't even be in queue party with 5000 other people anymore waiting for 2 years to play game. Not only I can't play game now but also can't queue anymore now....no more queue for me and I seriously planned to wait 2 years to get in game now I can't even do that anymore TT__TT.


-Drinks entire bottle of vodka-


Share your amazing adventures in here, I'm sure they are so much "interesting" like mine lol

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Just now, irrevocable said:



try spamming the 'Start Game' button ~ that's how I bypassed this message and got into the queue

You don't need to write to long to read shortcut(that kids today write because they are lazy to write) I know you didn't read a thing because I said I've been hitting start button for 20 min and still at this message lol

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Just now, IMadeYouReadThis said:

You don't need to write to long to read shortcut(that kids today write because they are lazy to write) I know you didn't read a thing because I said I've been hitting start button for 20 min and still at this message lol

Fair enough. Guess I was lucky

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