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Do something about "Le Troll Warlock" stuff!


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Rng is already bad itself, you can kiss your keys goodbye already with rng alone in here....but what is even worst then not getting item for you because of rng is getting item for none-existing class in game. 

I'm talking of course about all those "wonderful" warlock weapons I got, which is way too many by the way. Warlock is not in game(yet) therefor I want those stuff for them out of the game until they come! Because it is already bad enough for me risking my key only to get stuff for another class, let alone getting instead stuff for class that doesn't exist yet in game for 73rd time! Yes you heard me right! 73 of warlock weapons! That is how much I got of them!


So please remove warlock weapons from game already or make game so that chests don't need keys, because I'm sick of buying new ones only to get "trolalala" warlock weapon in here. 

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