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i keep dcing when i go into a zone


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I keep having the same problem myself, so if anyone has any idea what's going on or how to fix this problem, it would be much appreciated!

Whenever I try loading into a new zone, I often disconnect even though my internet connection is completely stable. I've tried lowering my graphics quality, running fixes, and closing any applications I'd usually have running in the background to see if that may help out with speeding up the loading screen, but it hasn't made a difference whatsoever as the game will just suddenly choose to stop responding and then disconnect a minute or two later--I'm sure you can see how this can become really frustrating with the ridiculous queue times we're having to wait through at the moment to even get into the game. Thus I'm starting to wonder if there is anything I can do or if it's just some sort of bug...?

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Over the past few days since I'd last posted above, I've found something that's personally helped me deal with this issue and maybe it can help others too! So while the possibility of disconnecting during loading screens that you just can't avoid (such as when you windstride somewhere or try and queue up for the dungeons/arena) does exist, I've found that lot of times when you just stop for twenty seconds or so before actually walking into the next instance, you can avoid a loading screen entirely and continue on your merry way. I'll admit this does seem tedious, though if you think about it you'd usually spend the same amount of time waiting outside as you would waiting for the loading screen to disapear anyway, so it really isn't that much of a stretch. It's lowered the risk of disconnecting for me significantly, and hopefully it can do the same for those of you dealing with this same issue!

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