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Game crashes every 5 mins...


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Having the same problem, game was running great yesterday. Then whatever hotfix that patch was last night seemed to do more harm than good. Game crashes every 10-15 mins of play. Tried disabling all of my razer software like some of the threads are saying, but that might be related to an older issue and it doesn't seem to change anything for me.

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4 hours ago, Kuroth said:

I played for 1.5 hours without a crash, then I stopped, so at least it's working when I'm not doing raids :) or it's just coincidence, but let's hope not :)


Seems like it solved your problems too then, good :)


Game Guard sees those Razer Services as a threat, and since it can't stop them, it stops the game instead, because it sees a threat.


Those services stopped, Game Guard stays happy.

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