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Posts posted by Termy

  1. @Hime
    How to improve on streaming major updates:

    1: Watch bns_ru`s Twitch Stream as a reference
    2: Announce beforehand (hours) if stream can not be done
    3: Do a discussion stream for a short 30min to 1 hour stream with pics or some kind of footage (if u have)
    4: Stop talking about irrelevant stuff and answers ppls questions regarding the patch like for example buffs/nerfs on classes

  2. Either remove or fix your so called "easy mode", increase the gold rewards back to what it used to be or reduce the cost of upgrades on every equpiment since for new players its impossible to actually earn any gold when you spend what you earn to upgrade and keep going in minus on gold.

  3. How come only only Premium players can use the wardrobe and not the non-premium players cant? Every player gonna gather bunch of skins and need a place to put them in. The warehouse and inventory will end up full, and i think its unfair for every non-premium players. Can NCsoft do something about this and make it available for everyone pls.

    (no troll replies pls)

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