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Posts posted by itsthem

  1. Trust me, Mathew this exact game has been available for mobiles for quite some time, they just changed the UI and controls to fit in with PC requirements why do u think it has crap like auto play?


    Vid from 2018 


    They Jebaited everyone whether you too stupid to realize it or not.

    • Like 1
  2. 7 hours ago, Arohk said:

    If you think any of them will be more than a quick cash grab you're dellusional.

    The MMO Market has gone gone the way of making quick money with a lot of garbage "micro" transactions, even sub based MMO's have ingame shops now.

    Whos to say they are all going to be free to play?  


    Besides I know one Free to play game that is making promises of not selling p2w items and I look forward to playing. 

    • Like 1
  3. I have spent more than I have on any other game, not once have a felt satisfied with a purchase, £40 for some pack filled with one good item rest junk filler that we have 1000's of, or plain just don't need.


    I played since OB and back then it was evident that they cared about player feedback, now people are invested in the game they treat us with disdain. 


    Look at the recent dev interview for instance, what was that about? Answered some questions no one gives a damn about whilst ignoring all the really important gripes we have.


    Even the die-hard BnS Youtubers have finally turned on NCS, never thought I would see the day Keroppi would have a bad word to say, but all his latest videos mock or critique the current state.


    If NCS think that UE4 is going to be the saviour of this sinking ship they are much mistaken, there are several major MMORPS coming to the west this year.


    The real issue is the devs selling out all their work for a quick cash grab and it worked, I spent over £100 over the past month, but after every time I swipe I feel violated and tricked even tho I have plenty of disposable income I feel like I'm giving it to the devil himself.

    • Like 2
  4. Oh they had plans, grab ya credit card and f10 limited time only, so hurry up, for the price of an Oculus rifft or a Cheap gaming PC you could have gems inferior to all the players that kick you out of their f8 partys.


    For the price of a 2nd hand car you could own them gems and finally do Hangar 0 in easy mode too .

  5. 16 hours ago, Grimoir said:

    1. The publisher IS the middleman. They have no development power over the game, they merely have the license to publish it. Not to mention any development / fix / change has to follow a strict process path before it even lands at the devs and its scheduled for work.

    2. Fair for the community, yes, but the community also needs to understand the game will be what the devs envision it to be, as it is their game, if they want it to be played in a specific way they will make sure it is and follow their vision. Sure it may not be right for all, but their game, their rules. Also keep in mind the publisher also runs a business.

    3. Thats pretty much what they already do. Developers have a schedule on when they work on content, when they work on fixes etc. Everything is planned around that schedule unless its something extremely critical. Also what will actually be taken from it depends solely on the devs. NC can ask, push, say players what this, but if the devs say no, then its a no.


    Yes, but its never about what the community wants, its about what the devs want, what makes money and then what players would like to have which in 90% of the cases is a no. Thats the reality.

    Then why is the Russian and CN version both a lot more player friendly?

  6. Worse event since the valentine one where after all the hard work (took me fking ages) the heart was just a waste of time and prolly just sits in people's inventories doing nothing.


    Do NCS not even realize how unbalanced and outnumbered the two factions are?   Don't they ask themselves why only one faction participates in the world PVP area's.


    I honestly don't know why I still play this game, its not fun, I even find myself fighting to stay awake sometimes, the end is neigh.

    • Like 1
  7. On 1/14/2020 at 10:03 AM, ImoutoMaster said:

    You either do something wrong or you are pretty new. It dosent need that much to reach 1.9K. Just do CBG as much as you can and do your normal farming you get atleast 3K Gold per weak by CBG alone.

    Been playing since Closed Beta, not consistently, I like to play other games and I work long hours and have a family so can't have as much gaming time as I would like, so I come and go where this games concerned, I also have made 8 lvl 60 Characters throughout the years, I have always liked to play varied roles in games and learn each class.


    CBG is that PVP battlefield? If so the last thing I want to do with my free time is to spend it being one shotted. 

    Do people really earn 3k gold doing that? damn that's actually fkd, I guess non PvPers have fishing now, thats something atleast.



  8. Its just non-upgradible junk, doesn't even help New players in the long term. 


    They just released a new tier of gem which means the gap between the whales and a normal player increases further.


    won't be long before we see 2k only MSP and partys.   


    I have spent what i consider shitloads for a video game, not thousands, but hundreds, a lot more than I have any other computer game and I still don't have 19k AP.


  9. On 12/24/2019 at 6:16 PM, Grimoir said:

    How low the players became to always expect everything the same as other publishers / games do. This is a different game under different management. If you are that upset about gifts you can go play the ru version if you so wish.

    Are you NCS employee trolling?

    Keep seeing you dipping your beak into people's posts, trying to get a reaction.



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