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Posts posted by Soulequilibrium

  1. Can I request we get this conversation back on track? I do not mean to offend but it seems to have devolved to a lot of hate slinging which I think in part is due to misunderstandings.


    - A lot of people, and not just here, who are asking for a change to how the wardrobe is offered do not wish it to be free. We fully understand NCSoft needs to make money and that is fine.

    - Nor is the goal to make the current premium offer less attractive.

    - And we certainly do not want the game to become pay-to-win as a result. If that happens we all lose.


    Even if you feel there are people who wish for exactly that please discard that for a moment and please focus on those wanting to bring a solution that may benefit everyone, even NCSoft.


    - A one time payed unlock to open up the wardrobe is a popular stance. Having to pay a recurring subscription for a single feature is a very unattractive deal. On top of that it creates a barrier for those wishing to purchase costumes from the cash shop as they will find it difficult to store their purchases. The regular inventory does not accomendate for the large amount of costume collectables this game is going to have. It also discourages collectors to go out in the world and participate in content to obtain more costumes for the same reason. NCSoft could stand to benefit from more costume sales and more end game activity if this barrier wasn't as big as it is now. Finally the costumes that you cannot trade or destroy but are obtained during questing would become less of an issue.

    - Premium should remain attractive. For example wardrobe unlocking could stay part of it but to compensate for the inclusing of a seperate wardrobe unlock item on the store more convenience bonuses could be added to premium such as unlimited or extended windwalking. The power to constantly sprint is a very powerful convenience bonus I would think. Or perhaps something in the vein of being able to have an additional crafting and gathering guild. Or to make the wardrobe account bound. I'm sure NCSoft would be able to come up with many attractive alternatives that do not actually bring downsides with them like the wardrobe does as described in the point above.

    - Pay-to-win is terrible. I believe the current system can be altered via the above points so that premium sales do not take a hit and costume and unlock sales increase. This would move us further away from Pay-to-win, not bring us closer.


    As a final note. I see the mention of the wardrobe being viewed as something you don't need to enjoy the game by some, making it mearly a convenience. I can assure you that to many this is a fully fledged and important feature, not mearly a convenience. Many people love to collect things and treat that as part of their end game. It is no secret that Blade and Soul has put an emphasis on costume collecting. The vast amount of costumes in the Asian version of the game is what prompted the creation of the wardrobe to begin with. We too will see all those costumes in our version as time goes on. To the collectors the wardrobe function is thus essential just like the arena is to someone who really likes PvP. Or dungeons to someone who really likes PvE. For me personally being able to collect the costumes in this game is equal to being able to max out my gear, complete dungeons and finish the storyline. To you it may not be an important feature, but to many others it is. Please respect that.

  2. Shooting themselves in the foot with putting the wardrobe in the premium benefits. Right now it's just a lure to get people to buy premium but at the same time it stops a fair number of those who aren't interested in premium from buying cash shop costumes. This because there isn't any place to store them as the inventory and vault doesn't realistically have any room for collectibles. That's why the wardrobe was created in the first place. On top of that they take away one of the reasons for people to keep grinding places at end game. Namely collecting outfits. Which is a big thing in this game for a good number of players, if I'm to believe what I've seen and heard.


    They could just not do that, and make premium interesting in other ways that doesn't impede the will to play or buy cash shop items from part of their playerbase. I'd settle for a one time unlock on the cash shop for the wardrobe however as it doesn't have to be free. But paying a subscription for it is really unattractive.

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