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Posts posted by Glub

  1. Ah yes bring back the glorious Anti Cheat software that helped the game so much.  Clearly those bots in Misty Woods didn't exist, nor the ones that ran through ssp, or the gold bots, or the wonderful sign up for stingers bots, or even those summoner bots in arena.  Clearly the xml edits haven't existed before and after anti cheat was enabled and disabled.  We have had cheaters in this game since the beginning with two different anti cheat software in place and all it accomplished was make an already struggling engine run even worse.  


    Most people either didn't play or want to forget the days of GameGuard and Xigncode and want to potentially hinder UE4, which is already too much for a lot of people.  An anti cheat program will not stop anything anyone has brought up in this thread and will just be a performance inhibitor for some players.  Also with NCSoft's track record on anti cheat this thread will turn from oh we need it to omg my game is unplayable now, because that is what happened the two times they tried in the past.


    I'm all for NCSoft implementing ways to fix this, but with their track record an anti cheat software isn't the way.  

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