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Everything posted by Haney

  1. I am back after a 4 year hiatus and I have been playing for about a week on and off as my free time allows and I first will say it has been an enjoyable time to get to level 51. But with that I realized this game is still a actually a solo game till you can finish the story and get to a max level before you have even a chance to meet anyone in the game (at least that’s what I am told). Once I do get to the level where I would be accepted in parties to run dungeons will anyone be there to explain the intricacies of the run or will I just be considered an annoyance and booted. I have noticed I am still too weak to do many of the dungeons that are offered at my level, they offer to look for parties to run them but as of yet I have never found one. All the “social” guild that are offered are empty of if someone does happen to pop in, they do not bother to chat. I also see very few people in game around anywhere I am and I hope this is not a sign of how deteriorated this game has become. This may sound like sour grapes but it is just my humble opinion of the game, but I am going to keep playing and leveling and hope I am wrong in my assumptions.
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