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Posts posted by Windy

  1. Is already dead guys.No new players get in ,old players can't get enuf mats to keep gearing ,mid players are left out far away and even if playing daily won't be able to keep up or be motivated to run same and same dungeons - and  no reason even to keep premium up. So well,Shackled Isles should been put up when players were still playing the game ,like around of 2 y ago,now is dust in the eyes.Gold reward is unnoticeable ,mats are just few ,pvp is suffocated by high geared players and the game performance is worse then ever. I saw death of WildStar.Old producers left haha- BnS is in slow motion following the WildStar.? Take conclusion :)

  2. Oh thank you so much for putting light into my wonders.I really could not understand what would be a reason for them to make an event that quite of mid players won't benefit on .I have decent gear ,decent ping all good -yet not enough dps to kill that turtle even if i craft the weapon.I think thats not normal at all .As I think,this game is not taking care of enough ,or the feed back of population really reaches late on devs ? I have no ideea why,yet I hope they will fix this for us .Have a nice day!

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