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Posts posted by Waldik

  1. Hey,

    I will give some feedbacks about the guide from my experience

    For the sake of my social experiment the character used is an Astromancer with nothing more than SB gear and its own money


    Farming Starcross accessories (most accessible set for new players since Skystealers are unavailable) :

    Don't salvage duplicated accs unless you already have them twice (except for bracelet), why ?

    Because you can add them to your Compound with a 420 Power Potential, your bonus stats in Shift P will increase depending on your Power Potential


    CSC (Poharan) is very affordable for SoulBoost gear people and the combat is not difficult enough to scare you (more gear makes it faster that's all)

    No one's farming over Stage 5 so you'll always find a "multi" group to farm your myth SS


    Solo farming :

    Nayul (Easy mode or Normal Mode) : depending on how your gear is the NM will be available for you to farm. Please note that even if you can't refresh the dynamic reward you can still drop the gear from the NM

    Easy Mode Dungeons : probably the easiest way to farm Skystealer crystals, Starcross crystals and Oculus stones + Insignas. If you can't solo one of them just recruit 1 or 2 people but it's not mandatory


    How to use your SoulBoost gear :

    Don't use your SB Psyches on your legendary accessories ! Because they can't be used in the succession system so it's a complete loss when you'll get your Starcross Accs.

    Legendary Dungeon coin : can be use to buy Shadow Fury weapon mat but the next SB will give it for free (according to discord information). You can buy your Soulbadge because the new Myth one won't be available now


    Higher Demonsbane Stage :

    Forget about stage 8+ dungeons, it requires a lot of Accuracy to be able to hit the boss. Landing CC or even DPS will be nearly impossible if you don't meet the cap

    Stage 5 Demonsbane now have a chance to drop the Upsurge weapon (bid system, tradable chest) in addition of the personal drop (I think it was only the case for Grim Nexus before)


    Stats to focus for your compound :

    By default we have 2 pages and that's enough currently

    What you want is to have Boss Atk Power, Mystic and Crit Damage on one page and full Debuff Damage on the second one

    Don't try to have a mix with Debuff and the others, it's pointless


    If you don't have the time to play, you just need 15min to do the most important content and leave your char at Darkweald or Fishing for hours

    What content ? Sanctum of the Masters (XP, Insignas, Master's emblem, Radiance stones) the timer is set to 10min unless you die before that

    Shrouded Ajanara, Nayul daily dynamic reward to work slowly but surely on your myth mystic badge (Easy or Normal)

    Current content : Darkweald - Big XP and reward in Mushin's Tower shop (Gang Sanghae)


    Hope this helps 🙂



  2. New thing that I discovered and tested


    We are no longer able to finish any achievements in the game

    I tried the books for Skill points and nothing happened so I lost 2 HM items for nothing

    The achievements stay unfinished, no validation, no description, nothing responding there

    Same thing for the dungeons achievements of course and I just tried it with Eva Nakari, Master Hong and Mao

    • Like 3
  3. Hello,


    Coming back with a few things I forgot yesterday :


    - we can't salvage old accs anymore (e.a. : Awakened Uzume Earring )

    - we can't expand our number of martial tome page (tried on a new alt with only 1 page)

    - we can't expand Vault and Inventory (Vault line is blank and Inventory has '99 99 99' value)

    - seems like you tried to extend the Soul Boost availability from 14 to 15 but here's the message we have when we try Soul Boost Bard

    • Like 4
  4. Hi,


    Today I started my fresh Bard out of the Lvl 60 boost ticket

    Did the Main Story Quest to earn all side accessories for the class to be playable

    When I receive the Exalted Storm Dragon weapon (iirc) I try to open it and it doesn't work, chat says "Invalid item" - Could be the weapon chest or the weapon itself the problem

    Same thing happened when I received the Sun's Ascension accessory chests, I can extract everything except the bracelet chests - Bracelet is the only item class bound in the list


    I don't really want to spend free gear on it since I'm currently not able to use anything but the Dawnforged weapon


    The Bard does not appear in the Character Lobby


    There is also a little problem in the announce/patchnote, if we don't try we can see that the account capacity has been extended from 14 to 15 characters (Maybe said on stream ?). Imagine buying a slot ticket but the limit remains the same ? Hopefully it's not the case but I couldn't read it anywhere


    Stigma Crystal Fragment is missing a description, I know from the website that we buy them from Moon Hojoon but it says nothing In Game


    We don't have the description for our achievements, I can't even follow up on my skill points because it doesn't say what I need to get them (e.a. : Sanctum of the Masters charms used or type)


    I'll update my post with anything new coming to my attention

    • Like 3
  5. 1 hour ago, Cathy said:

    Devs asks community to not bother the npc -> community ignores devs warnings, you know, the people who runs this game? Police tells you not to rob banks, and you do it anyway, what do you thinks gonna happen?

    Your whole post sums up how dumb you and everyone else abusing that bug truly are, you realize that right? 

    If you can't read you are a lost cause

    Stay in your fairy world but hey it's fine

    So as stated in the first post, it's actually not a bug please refer to it with an appropriate description who won't lead the audience in your way ;)

    Now would you mind take some time to think about your own dumbness and read the following sentence https://prnt.sc/tsi9dp


    Oh and I'm not making any money out of this shop I'm not even playing the game seriously for months =)


  6. First, you won't believe it but it's neither a bug or an exploit

    The fact that the vendors are not bound together with the same vending list is not a player side problem


    Second, NCSoft, you cannot punish players for abusing the shop it's your fault not checking your database

    It's like accusing someone to cheat because your hand wasn't strong enough (:


    Since this trick has been revealed the market crashed in an awful way because of the pet pods creation ratio (meh)

    It's too late anyway to take the control back on this, the amount of players opening thousands of boxes for the pet stones is HUGE


    Just modify the price or remove the outfit and continue your journey you fooled yourself for 48hrs and that's enough

    I'll just end with a famous quote : "It's working as intended" :HajoonHappy:

  7. Bonjour Nashy !


    Alors je ne joue pas KFM mais ce que je peux te dire existe pour "chaque classe". Tes sorts d'escape pour ce qui est Stun, Daze, Unconscious, etc peuvent être évolués afin de te permettre de sortir de l'état "Grapple, Phantom Grip,..", c'est cette amélioration qui fait que tu peux te relever après que le chat t'ai mis à terre.


    Pour ce qui est des FM, je ne connais pas le matchup mais je dirais de rester le plus possible au corps à corps en utilisant tes esquives et ton contre (leur défense est faible, très faible). Il ne faut pas oublié ce buff bien utile du KFM, après 3 esquives, il gagne un buff de 100% d'esquive pendant 6 sec ! (Dites moi si je me trompe)


    Pour les Destroyer, puisque son Spin est ce qui te dérange le plus, regardons le de plus près : "User is resistant to Stun, Daze, Knockback", peu importe l'amélioration la résistance à ces états ne bouge pas. MAIS, durant ce Spin, il est toujours possible de les Knockdown et si ma mémoire est bonne le KFM en dispose d'un (peut-être plusieurs ??).

    Autre chose intéressante à savoir, leur barre "d'énergie" est à 100/100 mais chaque spin en consomme 20, une amélioration permet d'en récupérer 30 sur un "deflect" (appelé en FR Parade).


    Voilà je pense qu'avec ces quelques infos tu devrais mieux voir comment adapter ton jeu à chacune de ces classes et te souhaite bon courage en arène =)

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