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Posts posted by Lorelei

  1. It didn't get a whole lot of attention, but I really, REALLY support the idea that Roda crafted on page 5: everyone has access to the wardrobe that we have currently, but premium subscribers IN ADDITION get the perk of having all of the costumes in their wardrobe made account-wide rather than per character. There might be some coding trickery to deal with re: multiples of non-discardable faction outfits and stuff, but if NCWest can make it work I think this would be an EXCELLENT idea. It solves a few issues - the "wardrobe behind a paywall" debate as well as the "cash shop outfits are too expensive for being character-bound and not account-bound" debate. There are certainly players like me who would make more cash shop purchases knowing that I could freely swap outfits between one character to the next so long as I continue to maintain my premium subscription.


    If that's too much work (but please don't let it deter you, NCWest!), then I'd settle for a simple one-time purchase of wardrobe as well. Considering that wardrobe currently is $144/yr (US), a pricetag of $75-$100 seems more than reasonable. Players who want to save money in the long run and know they'll be playing the game for a while can do the one-time purchase if they feel the other premium perks aren't worth it, and players who like the other premium perks and/or don't have that kind of income to drop at once can opt for the slightly larger long-term payment, but in much smaller "chunks".

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