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Posts posted by Zair

  1. The game had always its ups and downs but its going bad to worse and worse each update.. Before i could play just my main character and after a week i could have and feel my effort worth it, then they changed it and i decided to create more characters to surpass the situation, then they changed things again and from the last updates i dont even play with alts anymore because it takes so much time and and income is ridiculous so i just did dailys and afk fishing and msp farm at weekend, after this update if i want gold, then i cant afk fishing anymore because the auto bait price will be higher then my gold income... This is just making me want to play less and less because it doesnt matter how much i play it doesnt feel worth it... This is my opinnion only, but i really hope they change their minds about this...

    • Like 1
  2. 9 minutes ago, Amarathiel said:

    Some more knowledgeable archer may correct if im wrong but as far as i know, only way to get that instant cast is via bns buddy xml editing

     A.k.a Cheating. So don't do it.

    Just because you can edit some files because of whatever reason doesn't always mean you should and some people don't have that level of integrity if you get what i mean.

    Oh i thought it was some sort of item or skill upgrade that could unlock this... So there is people like this guy in the videos doing the new end game raid using cheats and even shows it on youtube.. How come he doesnt get a ban? I was getting hype with wind archer because of this now im sad... 

  3. So i was looking for some archer builds and skill rotations and i notice some of them can cast storm bolt (4) stage 2 (the charge skill) instantly without using the circles skill, like in this videos:

    [moderated content]


    I fought in arena pvp with some wind archers that did the same and i was wondering how they do it? 

  4. 3 hours ago, Hime said:

    The additional bonuses for Premium Members vary and for this Hongsil's Treasure Draw did not include free keys in the Daily Login Rewards. We have seen frequent feedback regarding the value of Premium Membership and we are working on rolling out a few improvements.

    I can understand that the additional bonus for Premium Members vary, we know that, but i have never seen before something like the removal of the free Hongsil's Treasure Draw keys, if they would not be part of the daily Login Rewards they could still be put in the Hongmoon Store by 0 Hongmoon Coins 1 each day or something like that, after all right now there is actualy no additional bonus for Premium Members and the login rewards are nothing special either. Seeing this makes me think that in the future the same can happen with Trove or some other events like that, i just find this a bit disappointing but i am glad to know that you are already working on Premium improvements because it really needs them. Thank you

    • Like 3
  5. Hi, i would like to have an answer on why remove the free key given to premium members? Do you plan on removing free keys given to future treasure trove and other stuff too? I have bought the 365 days premium membership and its getting close to the renew time and its geting to a point i dont find worth my money to buy it again if you keep giving less and less for premium members... I know sometimes you give good different daily rewards etc but those just last a week and then they get removed again... We need to feel premium is worth it, and right now i am not feeling that at all and i am afraid it gets worse...

  6. I think something that could be done is:


    1 - Lower the price to open Ascension and Radiance chests;

    2 - Lower the price to transmute Reputation charms;

    3 - Increase the daily the daily HM coins reward;

    4 - Increase the stamina by some % or just by a flat number;

    5 - Diferent specs should have different windwalk animation (for exemple i am a wind archer and the animation is about light, so it doesnt mach my spec);


    I did took some ideas previously told because i agree with them.

    About giving stats buff just by having premium would be something horrible to do, that would be the most pay to win thing ever in this game so i strongly disagree with it.


  7. I had this problem too, i play on an asus gaming laptop and i would get blue screen every loading screen while doing raids, my computer yes was overheating a bit on core number 2 witch is the core i think blade and soul runs, i dont know why it doesnt run on the other ones.. Anyway i contacted nvidea via email with this issue and they told me to change some things on nvidea settings for blade and soul, since then it never hapened to me again, i also turned down a bit the graphics and locked the max fps to 40 in order to not let it overheat, yes 40 fps, thats how i play blade and soul with a gaming laptop where i can play a ton of games on max settings exept this one...

  8. Hi! I am making this topic to ask if it is possible to bring back this crates for a last time because i bet many people wants outfits from it for there new Archer class (like myself) , i have got the Mythos Costume but the Mythos wepon crate wasnt tradable so i didnt buy it, i should have save up the moon shards in order to use them now that the archer is out but i didnt figure that out at that point, now without the Mythos wepon i feel that my archer is incomplete :c


    Can you please bring back those crates for a last time before the redeem time of moon shards ends? Something like for the duration of this upcoming weekend or something? Please >.<


  9. 7 minutes ago, Incontinentia Buttocks said:

    It's the horrible net coding they use, your ping will be all over the place.

    It only lasted for 5 minutes... But the game felt so nice to play, i never had it working that good. I never played like that before

  10. So people is saying archer will come this 18 September because the past other classes came in September too, the thing is from what i can remember, by this time we should already have a realese date and when the warden came out there was this thing we could apply our account in order to get warden outfit and wepon skin before the update...


    I am loosing hopes for archer to come this September x.x 

  11. Hello, i have been lvling up an alt character and i just reach act x chapter 1, and there is this letter that jynsoyun writes saying that our food got spoiled after we been out for so long and she went to get more food, and then i should go find her in bamboo village, but jynsoyun character is right there, next to the letter xD




    I know  that most people doesnt care about this but i decided to post it anyway.

  12. 7 hours ago, Baskerville said:

    It is the the default, as there has to be always a default if there are 2+ options.

    It is possible that those settings switch after the maintenance, but in general, this is not supposed to happen. Are you playing the game in Portuguese? I've not seen this kind of behavior being reported before.

    Hello, I am playing the game in English, never played it on another lenguage.

    The luncher changes preaty much randomly, sometimes right from the start after i turn on my computer, sometimes after i close the game and go back to it after some time but i have noticed that when i get disconected from the server (like if my internet fails, that sometimes happen) its guaranteed that the luncher changes from EU to NA.


    It would be nice to add an option in the luncher like "use this server as default" and we can click that and it would lock the server of choice in order to prevent it from changing by itself.

    But that is just an idea, if you can actually find why its happening and fix it, it would be great! :)

  13. 15 minutes ago, Grimoir said:

    Not sure but i believe NC mentioned that the launcher will always use the NA server as default.

    Thats a shame, i mean its not asking too much just for a simple checkbox or something to block the server of choice.

    The luncher keeps switching between servers for me randomly, sometimes i open the luncher and its EU other times it changes to NA, its really annoying

  14. Hello, i live in Portugal and many times i open the luncher it changes automaticly to the NA server and i have to switch it to EU or else it will log in NA, its kind of boring because many times i am not paying attention and i end up lunching the game on the NA server.


    I dont know if its my problem or if some other people have the same issue, but can you please make a way to lock the server we want to play by default? That way it wouldnt change by itself.


    Thank you

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