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Posts posted by NightRain

  1. 17 hours ago, LoliDolly said:

    Please dont assume people who get pemium are rich. Im on disability with a very limited income and besides netflix, premium is my only other subscription because i play this game actively and find it is beneficial. I am lucky if i get one or two outfits every couple of months with cash and the rest through selling gold (although gold market sucks these days XD)


    Now there is a way to make wardrobe available to everyone and still have it premium:


    I think its great there is a way to view outfits and what is coming or we could have had using the wardrobe but instead drop that make a dressing room with past present and future outfits so we can try them on. Then still have a wardrobe but not outfit specific spots like it is now but rather slot spaces for each outfit. So for those who arent premium have 2-3 rows x 10 slots available and for those who are premium get i dont know -throws a number out there- 20 rows x 10 slots?


    FYI me and wife play this Game she on SSI and i am her care taker so i know what you are talking about why do you think i sayed the Warwrob if free in Japan

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