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Posts posted by MinaTakashi

  1. Thats a meesage you can pretty much ignore Sofa. The Script error there is just because of the picture loading of the launcher. And for Verifying the File at each start, thats a thing every launcher does. Don't ask me why but it does that for me too.

    If the verification process is slow just set up a exception in your anti virus program for the BnS folder so that it ignores this folder, that should speed up that process by 100% (because when the launcher does this the Antivirus tests the files too, slowing that verification down)

  2. Thank you I´ll add this.

    Can´t believe that these errors won´t die out.


    thanks for liking this and adding it,

    Though i want to say that this also counts as an example.

    For me it was because of the Asproxy.dll file missing for others there is maybe some other file missing due to whatever reason.


    Best way is to check that with the Event Manager because it should tell you why an application crashes and what file is probably missing or failing.

  3. Sometimes the Launcher also fails if files are missing. Like mine did. Installing the BnS Client it launched and updated without a problem, then typing in my Login data it immediately crashed without telling me anything except for Windows all mighty "the Program stopped working. One Module of the program stopped working, looking for a solution" and of course it does not find any solution for it.


    I looked into my Eventmanager in my Windows 10 Pro 64bit and saw the following:

    (had to translate it because the original is written in german ^^)


    Name of the faulty Program: ncLauncherR.exe, Version:, Zeitstempel: 0x561ccf96
    Name des faulty Module: ASProxy.dll, Version:, Zeitstempel: 0x55dda86d
    errorcode: 0xc0000417
    erroroffset: 0x000306f6
    ID des faulty Process: 0x2d08
    Starttime of the faulty progam: 0x01d10814c368e90e
    Path of the Program: C:\Program Files (x86)\NCWest\NCLauncher\ncLauncherR.exe
    Path of the Module: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ASProxy.dll
    ReportID: 10c8404a-b238-4644-8d3f-98c1c6dfbe40

    This file of the missing or faulty Module is from an Astrill VPN service that i sometimes use. Somehow the .dll in the System32 folder got missing/deleted but it was still existing inside the SystemWoW64 folder. So i copy/pasted it into the System 32 one and it solved this problem for me.


    So maybe if your client Crashes too without showing any Errorcode or anything, you might want to check your Eventmanager for Windows Protocols/Programs.


    But if there is really a File missing like it was with mine, do not go out in the internet and try downloading it from any Source that offers a download of that specific file. You can of course search for the file and see which program belongs to it and then probably install that Program again or something, but do not download any single file from the net, especially no .dll files. Most of them will contain Viruses or other junk that wants to bit you in your bum

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