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Posts posted by Psylokke

  1. 16 hours ago, Cyan said:

    There were times in the middle of the night where people were unable to find matches

    Now thanks to all your recent "improvements", pvp availability times included,  there is now 10-20 minute wait times for ques DURING FRENZY


    Please remove all the arbitrary restrictions on pvp modes, and let people play how they want, when they want

  2. 5 hours ago, Xzard said:

    I hope and wish that this game really change it's business model once UE4 arrives

    Some serious wishful thinking here. Just as with the netcode and server stability issues, UE4 will do literally nothing to address these. This company doesn't give a shìt about anything other than quarterly earnings. 

  3. 2 hours ago, inaxx said:

    if he clear once it easier for him to do again

    yeah, this is called LEARNING the boss rotation and adjust your play accordingly. Ever heard the expression, timing beats speed? This is exactly what you need to do to play on high ping. Anticipate attacks and move your ass out of the way

  4. So the devs obviously decided that the door timers on floor 1-8 were a poor design choice. That's why every subsequent floor of MT opens instantly when you defeat the tenant. An even poorer choice, was to use this content as part of the revamped event. Like why not just use Naksun ffs, or is that still considered relevant content? What is even more mind boggling, is how the 1-8 content got revamped with current HM level, hp, attack, etc...but the quest rewards remain untouched. 5850 Hongmoon Arts experience, hoo boi!

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  5. A very well thought out and presented post, which adequately describes the problem, the conditions leading to it, as well as possible solutions to correct it. I commend you sir.


    The only thing missing from your strategy, is how these steps will lead to increased NCoin purchases across the board. It won't, so good luck! What's this I hear about maintaining a satisfied player-base? Sounds like a waste of time, to me.

  6. 3 hours ago, Grimoir said:


    To give you an example with Tera:

    How many times in your posts have you argued that BnS is not Game X or Game Y! Your point is completely invalid!!!!


    Now you in here like, well when Tera went to steam, this happened...



  7. @Astarae: you seem to be confusing the adjustment of already implemented systems and drop rates, with content that has not been developed. That's like saying NCWest can just unlock male Yun race for us. It simply doesn't exist. And given that NCWest is a *publisher* not a developer, it would be *literally* impossible for them to develop content for this game.

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