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Pirireis's Achievements

  1. İf 57 Ap noting meaning for you ,why you spend thousands coins for Hongmoon energy Soul’s or gems? AP effect everything ,to your gems,souls ,to your damage,Critical damage rate, even hp drain..Are you sacrifice all of them for only 10 sec. ?I sacrifice if difference 30 Ap or less,but 57 Ap so much.!
  2. Yes thats subject there is 57 Ap difference between new Pve Aransu weapon .At last we need for our Pvp weapon new upgrade route ; İts could be more AP or Critical def or anything else ..We spend time,Money lot of effort, for this weapon ! I dont like to see my weapon weaker agains new Pve weapon when I make PVP in Battleground . I spend double time double coin for PVP and PVE weapon ..Reward musnt be like this.That couse me Think feel my self ,, silly ! But I know its not my mistakes,that oddity completley belong to stupid game devolopers.!
  3. Ascendant PVP weapon not worthy anymore front of new PVE weapons. Any one seen before any game in the World; PVP weapons get much weaker than PVE weapons when in PVP ..?? Ascendant Weapon(Stage 6 483 AP) already was weaker if you compare Raven weapons (stage 9 508 AP) Now new PVE weapon Aransu 540 AP ! I asking Ncsoft what we do our PVP weapon throw away or put in a collection .? I realy very regret I spend thousands coins/Ncoins for garbage PVP weapon .Thats makes us realy upset even hate the to our loved game . Aransu weapon –Stage 6 540 ap ( PVE) >Raven weapon-Stage 9 508 ap (PVE) > Ascendant Weapon-Stage 6 483 ap (PVP) I feel myself like insect with my Ascendant - Stage 6 in batteleground .I seen some people kill me with Aransu weapon only 1 hit 140k hp down .Now I stop play Battleground even the game ; I feel my self cheated ,tricked .
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