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Posts posted by MarjoKun

  1. You play 4 months and you bought 2700 keys on trove. This exclude you from the possibility to say anything about farming in bns. You dont know what the real suffering is for players f2p, especially those who played from the beginning. Play 1-2 years more without paying and then let us know how fun farming is.

  2. 53 minutes ago, Sudhri said:

    I spent a good amount of money on trove, and I can most certainly promise you that there was nothing pay to win about it, as after 2700+ keys not a single super awesome 3 star item made an appearance.

    Ohhh Poor f2p boy yeaaa sure 2700 keys and you got nothing ofc, except thousands of materials which you could use to boost your character but you are trueee f2p. All you need to grind yeaaaa so easy to say, you need only 10 alts and spend 10 hours a day to not even reach full gear. White knights are soooo funny.

    Oh and thanks for advice about grinding, for sure you did that right? Oh wait a second, you didnt.

  3. 11 hours ago, 900870_1452550662 said:

    Thank you Cyan. Just updating with a post like this means a lot to the players. This content update is definitely a step in the right direction.

    2 hours ago, 827745_1452550003 said:

    :D thank you so much for Talking for us to the developer and changing stuff to the good, western Player are diffrent form east Players.

    Again Thank you so much :D

    100 % not fake. And veteran players, look at this awesome nickname!

    There is absolutely no reason to rest on one's laurels. Blade and Soul have much biggers problem and people was ranting with much more reasons... Im afraid that now NCWest will read comments like "thank you!" "You are awesome" "What a hard work!" And they will say "Alright boys! We solved problem with community rage, they are thankful, John prepare new Soul upgrade for 500 oils, psyches for Unity stones, hongmoon level cap 50 and unity cap 200, also break something that people will rant about this, we will fix it next week and they will be happy again"

    • Like 3
  4. 28 minutes ago, NightFer said:

    You guys clearly forgot the fact that there is a system in the game that can make you from zero to hero in a few thousand $ spend in the game. You think 100ap and some other random stats are good enough at max gear or semi-max gear? Not really. Unity ranks are just stupid way to put stats up and they dont give much of an advantage for some builds. You also forgot the fact that in the last trove there were chests with purple unity stones too and they were pretty common. In the last daily/weekly event (with the release of the fishing) you could also get purple stones. You need TONS of exp in higher ranks of Unity and those 10 chests you can buy per day arent really that relevant when they give what? 500k xp? when you need 4-5mil per rank? Thats what? 10 days of buying those? Thats absurd and stupid.

    You are wrong about Unity stones. At later stages (few leg stones) you get % Additional damage and bonus AP or Boss AP. Its not nothing. And one more thing. When you will FINALLY get all legendary stones, you will not have them with for example boss ap. There is 15 stones? * 6 boss ap? or even more with legendary? Around 100 additional Boss AP ? Or maybe you need piercing for PVP ? There are Unity stones with piercing. GL getting all set.

  5. 3 hours ago, Hiluna said:


    same problem here. After swapping to 3rd spe i got some fps decrease and most important thing a really increase of my latency.

    Fire on F12 :

    - 80 fps and 80 to 100 ms

    Same at lightning build


    But with 3rd spe i got 25/30 fps. And really more MS like 130 to 200 + in f8 or f12. (not constant anymore...)

    WTF just how is possible ? impact like this MS ? i can understand with all animation effect than touch fps. But MS ? why on BM and not KFM ? . Please patch this or do something it's really horrible ... i don't want to pay to come back fire or light build just cause you can't do something for this !

    Ping jumps becouse its not raw ping. Its Ping + your reaction time to clicks (lower fps, lower reaction time for buttons)

    But still its a huge problem with fps. Now im trying to consult that with support but so far nothing good (im at a moment where they tell me to reinstall gpu drivers) so it will take more time to maybe fix something or "we cannot help you". I think they dont even know that fps drop exists.

  6. 24 minutes ago, FlCosmin said:

    I didn't exactly delete them, I moved them just in case I want to do PVP because not seeing any of the particle effects puts you at a disadvantage at least when you play against ranged classes since I moved from all classes particle effect files because you don't see from where the attacks come from.


    Doesnt matter (moved it too)

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