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Everything posted by Urania

  1. Cheers! I'm trying to evolve my great celestial weapon +3 to stage +6 and it turns out that the game offers all the necessary items in the yellow quest, except one, the ENLIGHTENED ELEMENT, which before the update were easily obtained in dragon xpress, I I started my character from scratch, and the only quest that offers it is a weekly reward, and it gives only 3 per week... I need 39 to be able to go up to stage+6, and from there with another item to stage +9, go up the stages of thornbreaker and finally being able to use the items that the soulboost gave me, and reach silversteel +9... hopefully someone from the technical team reads this and reinstates the dragon xpress with the option of acquiring the ENLIGHTENED ELEMENTS, the players who Their characters are just beginning, they will understand me when I say all this, because I would literally have to wait 3 months and a week to be able to go up to stage +6 ... and the worst thing is that the current dungeons require more powerful weapons to be able to pass them.
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