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Catriona Morrin

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  1. So, there is no way at all to use true fullscreen in this game? Played before the UE update, worked fine, returning now because I'm bored and there is nothing else to play and can't for the life of me make the game go true fullscreen. Read about the alt+enter thing and it actually doesn't work, just flip between windowed and bordeless. The Fullscreen option is there in the menu but it just stays bordeless even if fullscreen is enabled and the resolution doesn't change at all. Had a problem like this with games like Borderlands 3 and with Guild Wars 2 DX update, but every other game is fine. Does anyone knows whats happening? If there is a file out there that I can edit so I can force the game to go True Fullscreen? I can't/won't play it in low resolution. Thanks.
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