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Posts posted by Lihanya

  1. 2 hours ago, Sunstrikeforce said:

    About this problem, i guess csc 5 's points are the point of AD 1-10 so if you complete AD1-10 in the past, CSC1-5 will not count point again. I have rechecked after finish CSC5,  other pages quest give me point as intended. But the question now is how do we finish 7-DC quest in soulboost when 3-times HM dun is nearly impossible for low gear like us, PVP is a dead content (tag match, 1v1, beluga,...). Can you share your idea about this problem @Green Storm?

    Ok so that sounds logic, but if thats the case why weren't all CSC missions marked as done after the patch, when the AD missions were done before and its not intended that u get points for AD and CSC?  Kinda misleading and a waste of time for me because i did all the CSC quests to get points in the first place, but at least i unlocked the bugged soul meter. LMAO


  2. So i completed CSC Stage 5 today, but i didnt recieve the Points for any CSC quest. I did 2 other SoulBoost quests from Page 4 after completing CSC 5 today and recieved the points, but the points from the CSC quests are still missing. I cant say if i also would have gotten the points from the Page 4 quests before completing CSC 5 today, i didnt try that. 


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