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Everything posted by Clanker

  1. Hello, I just came back to the game after a couple years, currently playing on EU and part of the Crimson Legion. I've always been a fan of faction/nation quests, titles fighting etc in any game and actually this was the thing that attracted me to BnS. With that being said, I've recently achieved the Subjugator title and I also have the Officer and Elite uniforms. But I've noticed there is one more which seems to be a little bit more elusive which is the Crimson Elite Initiate uniform. From what information I could gather, that is only attainable through clan crafting and is quite expensive to get. So far I've seen only 1 player with it in Soulstone Plains while doing dailies there. So, what is my best bet to get that uniform? I've seen there a number (5) in the box where the uniform is in clan crafting. Does that mean 5 uniforms are crafted at once or it represents the number of days it takes to craft? Perhaps If any clan has one, I can perhaps buy one if that's allowed? I have a lot of faction insignias, over 1k and can donate all of them to the respective clan although I'm not sure if that would cover the cost of crafting one. Thank you for your replies in advance.
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