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Everything posted by Esgar100Eyes

  1. Well well well :D Abit ower week has passed since this emotional, post spewed to these forums, god was i exited about pvp and wanted to be on more even playing ground right away after time has passed i now see that requesting that 6v6 thing was abit too much i guess... certain mmorpg had a buff to help a litle maybe that kind of route would be better.. ive been on daily grind now like 5months soon so i know stuff takes time when have work and series on streaming platforms that are important too. my expectations werent on par whit the general pace of progression whit the game considering getting pvp stuff LUCKILY we getting this pvp event box today and stuff will even out once more, also close to getting some 3rd gen pieces at low levels soon also ^^ we know better that its easier to change oneselfs expectations than ask it especially from a company whit limited resources. about mach making have had some wierd stuff happening when im in que friend next to me is in a mach enters lobby and gets to a new mach before i get my turn x) yea but generally id say things have evened out alot to a decent wait times, some times just its slower. whit crap gears and around 500k hp ive had some maches were i was one of the more "better/impactfull" players and gotten some thumbs up too, nice maches happen even in noobier gears i encourage everyone who hasnt tried arenas yet to give it a go do the daily 3maches atleast it will grown on u ! ps. people been nice & cya @ battle grounds
  2. Hi Folks o/ Straight to the point make bs´s utilise the same system duel arenas do except for clan battles adjust rewards accordingly if needed. Discus ?!? been @ bns around 6month now, really liking many aspects of the game, here started to do duels like 2-3weeks ago 45% win rate huzzaah \o/ (around 50maches) bg´s have like 10-15min wait for 1 mach clearly something could be done to rekindle the interest of people. veterans in those maches become quite butthurt for newbies like me entering there and handicapping theyr chances to win and rank blah blah blaaah i dont know why i bother… could just move on clearly this has been neglected.. been here at bns now like 6months+ and its rare for an mmorpg to have my attention this long.. btw got some pvp gears imperial tier and a noob ss today and my first encounter in ww i went north and had quite a long batle whit some1 and i won and got my first 1v1 kill in bg and captured the brazier an how i felt like a WINNER!! \o/ looking around ingame i think we still have quite healthy playerbase that if driven would have lots of fun in batlegrounds..
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