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Posts posted by Yng

  1. I do agreed with some of the comments here and there and would like to provide my view - coming from a new player and a returning player.

    1. I started playing BNS during beta and left when Naryu Foundry was released. The 40 dailies were very time consuming but both the soulstones and moonstones were easy to farm. The upgrade progression for weapon, and accessories were easy to understand. It is one straight path and if you keep playing the game, and do not stop farming, you will be able to see the light.


    2. Picture this, when i came back, just two months ago (May 2020); my Baleful weapon and accessories were non existent. I can't even upgrade them. So after completing the story quest, the next puzzling question as a new player was, PvP vs PvE vs Raid gears. How do you expect someone who's new or a returning player to understand all these?


    3. After making tons of mistakes on the upgrade path, i finally figured out that Raid does the most damage in PVE.


    4. Now just spend one minute to imagine the experience a new player have to go through from upgrading his awesome new Riftwalk 3, Hongmon soul 1, Hongmoon Heart 1 and Pet Aura 1. I literally have to farm more than 200 blackstones to upgrade them to the next tier where humans with alts are farming or afk-ing.

    I am not complaining this is not new player friendly, and yes they do hand out better gears every now and then (my weapon is currently GC8 when they release the Act XI: Balance of Power) but the farming experience is what makes people quit the game. If every new dungeon released was TB++ and above only, there will only be 1,000+ players doing the new content while the rest will expect a carry.

    Lastly, i am perfectly fine that they reduce the gold, to make the economy better. However, what they can do better is to reduce the cost to upgrade, the gold requirement, the materials.

    To sum it up, this is still my favorite MMORPG, and i would love to see new and returning players coming back and play it.

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