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Posts posted by Lerana

  1. AFAIK, we're the only region (EU/NA) that doesn't have an Anti-Cheat.

    Therefore lots of people exploit XMLs, change the global cooldowns of their skills and use 3rd party software like Cheat Engine to flyhack/speedhack, etc., because there literally is ZERO REPERCUSSION in doing so.


    Ladders are completely f*d, people aren't only cheating in PvE, they're also cheating in PvP, which makes the game completely unfair and its just not fun anymore. 

    In PvE content, people cheat with flyhacks in dungeons to sell items, therefore making bank over people that don't cheat. Seems totally fine????

    In PvP, people use auto-casts, casting their TAB-escape or F-Roll automatically, remove GCD, use other XMLs to gain advantages that shouldn't be available to their class. 


    The "complaints" about performance are an absolutely irrelevant argument, seeing how KR has an Anticheat too, and their performance is about the same as ours.

    Comparing how UE3 was with Anticheat to UE4 says absoultely nothing, its only speculation that it's going to be the same.

    Not to even mention that the people that use the "performance issue" as a reason against an Anticheat are probably exactly the people that exploit and cheat to gain advantages, of course they don't want it, who woulda thought.

    Every tiny bit of "competition" there is in this game by now is completely gone and while PvE by now just is how it is, since the economy is ruined by those people by now anyways, PvP can still be saved & made fun again.

    Don't u think that new players, as soon as they see that theres cheating and other bullsh*t in the game, just instantly will quit cuz nobody wants to play a game full of exploits and cheats where u basically are FORCED to cheat to even feel remotely viable?


    So please, for the love of god... just add an Anticheat. Other regions can, so why can't we?


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