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Everything posted by DrustinTV

  1. Yes I checked every region and all empty but a couple of low level alts (under 10) with random names i'd never used. Here this is my issue. https://imgur.com/a/v4iYp7v First pic is them saying they found my characters ( this is 3 days after opening the ticket ) So I responded with all the security stuff as requested. Second pic is another agent asking for security again, so I gave them more as seen in third pic ( removed private info though ) Fourth is yet another agent, telling me he can't find my account ... that I'm currently sending tickets from and playing on ( made an alt whilst waiting ) ... like how ... can these people be employed ? They clearly don't read the ticket history, just open it -> paste general script -> close and repeat on next person ...
  2. Has anyone ever had an issue with the BnS ticket system, where you get 1 reply each day, it's a completely different person, they haven't read the previous ticket responses and keep asking the same question over and over ? It's been a week of this ... I asked one simple question, where did my characters go, haven't played since 2017, was hoping to find them. ( Still have my account, but all the characters vanished since I left, probably when they merged all the servers ) They ask for my email dob and all the usual account information, I supply it, along with transaction IDs from all the purchases I made on BnS back in 2016/2017. They found my characters 4 days ago, asked some security questions, I provided all of this. The next response I got was the same as the first ever response " I'd like to help you, please give us xxxx " ... So again I give them everything again, I sat here .. like a donut for 16 hours staring at the ticket waiting for a response, gave up and went to bed, 30 hours later I got another reply, you'd expect something along the lines of, oh yes we will sort this now yada yada ... no. " We can't find your account, please tell us xxxx " ARE YOU ACTUALLY SERIOUS ?! You already found my characters and then tell me you want to help me find them ? ... clearly your support staff are incompetant and don't read the tickets history, are they not trained properly or just too lazy now they are probably working from home, so they think they can just faff around and give bot like responses for a week ? Would be nice if a forum GM would take a look at the ticket and tell me I'm wrong about this, because to me, this is utterly disgraceful, you don't respond to me, that you found my characters and then backtrack to the start and tell me you can't find them. For a start i'm playing on my original account ... so to not find my account ... that i'm sending a ticket on, is just ... I can't describe this in a nice way, so I won't :) #23618950
  3. Thanks for the replies guys, seems again mixed opinions on the game and future. I guess I will keep playing a bit and see how it goes, I loved this game when it first came out, would hope that love continues, the combat is great fun. I'm not a huge fan of PvP either, but it's not too bad here. Also I would just say to you Grimoir, I was reading the producers letter on the English site for Blade and Soul, they have announced UE4 for our version .. sort of. https://www.bladeandsoul.com/uk/news/producers-letter-summer-2019/ " We know that the Unreal Engine 4 upgrade to Blade & Soul has been on everyone’s mind, and while we don’t anticipate the game upgrade to happen this year, rest assured that development is progressing and we hope to be able to share some more news about it in the coming months. Check out this video to get a sneak peek at the current progress. " So they seem to be either working on it or waiting for KR to hand it over, but probably not this year, but who knows maybe we get a Christmas gift. I would honestly prefer and it does seem far more logical from a development stand point, to start UE4 on a clean server from the start, at least that way they could release it sooner and work on porting the later expansions as the games live. Although they will kill off the current version and will face backlash due to that, but it could be solved with compensation in the way of perhaps tiered rewards. Anyone with a level 60 ( I think is the current cap ? ) could gain a nifty title, costume, some cash to spend in their store. High ranking pvpers at 60 would also gain the same but maybe another title, costume or something related pvp wise to make them stand out. Possibly give out a level 40/45 boost for each of those too, that would lower some of the complaints at least. If they wait until the current content is completely ported to UE4, then we are looking at a 2030 release ! maybe, depends on current developers and cash flow. I'll probably get some stick for even suggesting compensation now, bring it on ! :D
  4. Hi guys, returning player here, with lots of questions for you ! I started back in what 2016 when it first opened, hit level 45 on a Blade Dancer and later a Warlock with that release. ( For some reason my account no longer exists, even support can't find my old BD Tsunami ) But ship happens, life goes on I'll start over ! So question time. 1. How is the community ( EU ) these days, I see a lot of mixed views on this on the forum and reddit. 2. With UE4 happening soon I hear, is it worth playing before that comes out. 2b. Will UE4 come with fresh servers. 2c. Will UE4 be a separate version of the game, back from the original released content and then expanded upon ( Basically a new game ) 3. I quit the game when they added materials to the cash shop, it really seemed like a huge pay to win moment for the game and I rage quit and haven't been back since, was I right in that moment of rage or does it not really affect much. 4. Anything you want to add to persuade me to return or not to, go ahead i'm all ears.
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