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ZeaBeast's Achievements

  1. Because they dont want to lose players who give the game a chance (I hope XD) Fastest way to go broke is don't listen to the players, I'm sure if you look at the statistics of the playerbase some genius with three degrees will have an answer. Don't Waste peoples time, gives the players customization, don't gate content (gating gear is okay we like a challange and a goal) :)
  2. Games feeling fun for what it is, I've clocked in about 8 hours now and im lvl 27 - the game is fast paced. My first impression is the leveling feels pointless. All the content is unlocked at max level, I think you should just remove the leveing and make the story optional. I feel like im investing 40 hours of my life just to play the actual game, Secondly, I am unhappy that there feels like there is no customization in the game at lvl 27, I simply equip what I've received from quests. This is not interactive whatsoever, can I change skills or anything like that? youtube videos made the game seem like I could make a build all I've done this far is speed through the missions trying to get to the point I can que for dungeons or raids. Kind Regards, ZeaBeast.
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