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Everything posted by CryrieIrving

  1. Hi new BnS player here. Im wondering when do things actually get fun? Or do they ever? For example im a big lover of character customization and cool weapons and cool armor. Turns out theres no armor? I guess the soul shields replace that right? And you cant even level up your skills or attack & dex or int points or anything like that? Im reading around and it says you wont even be able to do any of that stuff til like level 50? what is the point in that? its basically a single player game until end game. and i cant even do some of the low level dungeon quest because no one even joins and im still kind of weak. and im someone who really loves making new online friends and running dungeons together. im not really complaining i just would like to know when does it get fun? because i love the aspect and gameplay of BnS but ive been grinding the main quest until level 25 and its just getting really repetitive and boring now. i know some people would be like "well then find another game" well there arent many games like this and id like to give it some more shots.
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