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  1. My nick is Zerkime in the game. I come to propose an idea so that they can have more profit in the game and that players are pleased more and more of the game as I am and my friends. If you put an item that could change class you ganarian a lot of dnero. I'll tell you why. I did a survey based on the aspects that could improve the game to the community and based on their responses would like a choice so. Since it inplementaron the fishing system very similar to the game of Aura Kingdom that I play it in fact. In that game also put the option a little after their open beta class change and in fact gave a big turn in the community that people got like crazy putting real money into the game to have said item or also gave it for events. Something that Aura kingdom was very creative in expanding the options for the players. Link Evidence http://www.aurakingdom-db.com/item/40077-secondary-weapon-reset-scroll]Secondary
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