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Dear ChencHEN

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Everything posted by Dear ChencHEN

  1. I guess they mean to let this bug happening and let people use it
  2. Guys At the beginning of this "Event" , I believe that they might have been to panic to make changes to the games to keep it running in a regular way. 8 hours after the burst, we came up with a few ways they can to fix this but they didn't. During the all these days, I notice something really suspicious. 1. Even player can think about close down Server and fix the problem. How can NC can't? 2. Our GM Sunshine, post detailes about how and where you can use the bug 3. with so many users requires a a reply, NC remains silent in for general discussion fourm. 4. People abuse bug got really slight punishment and main ways of profiting - pet pod is not even rerolled. 5. NC could have rerolled the server on July 31st, but they didnt. Some people may say that "How can you say something like this? you are not benefitting from this at all?". I do and we all do and no one can resist this but the thing is if NC mean to make this "Event" happen, that will be another problem For me now. I feel like NC have really reasonable ideas to make this happen because this will make game "go back to life" and more player will come back to game. After all these days, there are no one harmful from this event, all we are doing are just blaming the ones abusing bug. If you agree or not agree that NC let this happen on purpose, please reply and share your ideas
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