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Posts posted by WastingTimeOnGames

  1. I see something that is very disturbing to me there are a lot of people who defend this update with their soul and body claiming the optimization is top notch and saying just upgrade to better PC, the same ppl are those who have latest I9 or Ryz9 paired with 3080-3080TI this beyond annoying and they are boasting with thousands of euro system.

    This game should allow you to run mid - range 60 fps with no problem since it's competitor Black Desert am i right ? runs very well on UE4.

  2. This is an online game i don't want just to block people and hide the chat i might just go play single player games if i do that, however i don't understand why the community is so toxic in dungeons some of them are completed litteraly in under 2 min and i see some dudes spamming a bunch of ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ on chat why didn't u  see skill X why u didn't do and trash talking like mad after a fight of 20 sec or 30 sec literally there are some bosses i don't even have time to hit them they die so fast yet ppl are rushing like mad and fill the chat with bs.

    This game community is more toxic then league's and the reasons for toxic behavior on many ppl is weird.

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