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  1. hypnotic ur just trolling xdddd you make me fun i guess you don't want the player base to get that weapon and just be the "lucky whale" guy to get it already stage 6 and start gathering ores for stage 9 :)))) while people will struggle to get it even stage 6. we don't complain, we want fairness, but we're complaining about ncsoft just not even reacting to the remaining player base that keep running this game xd and if they don't change this thing, i'll just quit because i wont farm 4 months to get something that i could get in 4 weeks. hf playing the game i guess if you say so xd
  2. In my honest opinion, many people mentionned that, and it should happen, don't put the ores back to 80... do you guys even know how much time you freaking need to get those ores??????????? like it's nearly 3-4 months with luck or not.... just put as many people said in this thread, the remaining ores on the later stages to make it fair for EVERYONE. Did you even think that it might break some raids because people didn't get the weapon earlier to get the weapon stage 6? and the last few people who didn't get it would need to wait and can't upgrade to the same as the others members? GJ for making this statement in public without consenting to the PLAYER BASE AS USUAL and didn't even think how the people would EVEN REACT...................... I hope you wont change it.
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