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Posts posted by xRaider

  1. As we all know with the amount of inflation in the game due to hunter refuge and other reasons the value of gold has fallen drastically. In spite of all this the minimum listing fee on the currency exchange for gold to HM/Ncoin still remains as 1:1. Because of this everyone is trying to sell gold and literally nobody is buying, in game gold sellers are unhappy because their gold never sells and potential buyers are unhappy because the price is too high.


    You people keep putting good stuff on the hongmoon store and free to play players can't even buy them because the only other means for us to get them are though venture tokens which are very rare to obtain out of season rewards. Not to forget that the drop rate from daily quest boxes was ninja nerfed since you guys tried to remove it from daily dash and caused the players to rant till it was put back.


    We free to play players do not want to spend money, if you guys want our money then the currency exchange needs to be fixed so that pay to play players can spend the money for us. Soooo my solution to this would be to remove the minimum listing fee or even reduce it to 1:0.5 and remove the 10% taxation to HM coins. By doing this in game gold sellers would be happy as their gold would actually sell and buyers would be happy as they can obtain gold for an affordable price. The only people that would be unhappy are the 3rd party gold sellers that are getting the money the company is suppose to be making instead. So please try to do something about this, I've played this game for to long to see it go through the ground. 


    If you are a free to play player and or agree with this please upvote this post so that it can be seen.

  2. 9 hours ago, Cyan said:

    I just want to say regardless of how many replies a post has it's going to be read by us here on the forums regardless. That being said, we asked the development team to lower the amount of Pearls needed for the Dark Hearts but they felt no adjustments were needed. Please continue to share feedback and we'll make sure it's forwarded up. 



    "They felt no adjustments were needed", do these people even play the game and know what its like to be in the shoes of the players. 1800 pearls for 1 measly event currency, not to forget you need a total of 7 event currency every day to make the most of this event, which will cost a grand total of 12600 pearls. I AFK fish for hours and don't even get that many pearls! The majority of the event currency would be coming from fishing, why make an event to encourage players to AFK fish for hours, players should be encouraged to actually play the game and enjoy the events it offers.  In my opinion the dev team should be the one that needs an adjustment... 

  3. WHY does everything take so long , it literally takes less time for players to kill the boss than for the boss to actually become attackable and for doors to actually open after clearing a floor. Other problems that I noticed is that even if you 1 hit Junghado he does not die, you need to attack him like 10 more times before he actually dies. Also with the Mushins on floor 8 they have like a 5 second iframe  and it is impossible for most classes to resist Mushin's phantom grip at the start, is all this really necessary? I just want to get my pouches as quickly as possible and get out.

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