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Posts posted by sojaa

  1. We all quit yooo. Not enough fixing fast enough.  No feedback. No reward.  Pve to pvp . To many hacks and zero compensation for all our time spent battling the stupid. No one liked that crap. You can blame That little multi tool and cheat engine yall were saying yall liked so much killed pvp. Hacking right through pve content to get full pvp gear via giga jump and gcd. New players cant contend with full gear everyone in 6v6 using hacks. It shuts them right off from even wanting to pvp. Point being that's why we all left at the end of the day. Zero new players. Its not just mismanagement. Its a poor community with low standards. The game lacks integrity among its player base. Constant flamming from the players to new people. Then management for not permabanning repeat offenders. We was warning yall but nope. Have fun with the bns clap lol.

  2. 9 hours ago, Green Storm said:


    Thanks a lot for taking the time to share this feedback!


    I want to reiterate that everyone CAN express their opinions and questions. In fact I want every player to (we community managers read A LOT and we absorb a lot of that mass feedback). But please do it by respecting these values: 1) Respect; 2) No threats; 3) No harassment or defamation; 4) Being constructive. You can absolutely disagree with me, but I ask that you do it in a way that will not send us down a path where emotions run high and we're actually not discussing the topic.


    I do intend to use our moderation tools more strictly in the future, but not for a while and until everyone has had time to understand and adapt. My goal in doing so and setting the rules is to enable healthier discussions. I know that I'm a change to this community. Some (most?) of you have been here for many years and it will take some time for everyone to find their own way to make this work.


    I'll also mention that I've been a Community Manager for more than 10 years now and I know that a focus on more positive discussions has direct benefits. A lot of players don't contribute to places where they don't feel comfortable, and it can be caused by a variety of reasons. While the game is the most important part of why we're on these forums, the discussions are why we return! A community is its own thing and I've seen firsthand the amazing things it can do.

    This is AWESOME.  Give him some time figure us and the game out.  🙂

  3. 12 hours ago, Blair EXE said:

    play smarter not harder. i also have a macro that allows for the perfect tanking of the bosses without fail. theres also a glitch that allows for more and higher chances of accessory drops the higher floors making farming great.    or i just tank for my clannies  with normal key presses who are stronger than me which lets me farm higher floors and play like a regular player and you just need to git gud  🙂

    Ok 3 day. At least its marked down and I doubt the next one will be so nice. Get off your troll account too. Multiple accounts don't hide who you are to anyone.  If you were smart Youd see what this crap did to the game and its employees. MR Discord Admin.

  4. On 1/26/2022 at 4:22 PM, Blair EXE said:

    confirmed anyone that farms floors 41+ is a bot. i also did that pls ban me for trying to farm my accs and getting bonus xp

    I so wish they would let us post some of the things that are done by people on this forum. Ill refer all or you to reddit, discord or youtube as far as cheats or botting goes.  That little group is filled with people who show us what's being done ALL the TIME. They also give names too. All this mod has to do is join discord because you guys speak openly and show it off ALL the time. Smart people I'd say. I have been offered to do this stuff like 5 million times and I openly oppose it. All he has to do is act like one of you and then well damn ban wave. He can even just pay fake currency and watch you guys do it. BTW we know who you guys are and you're not legit so what you say holds zero weight anymore. Maybe stop being so open about the stuff you guys do lmfao. I'd say it's probably a certain discord where the admin clearly cares less about Blade and Soul players. Who the hell tells people you're an admin that promotes cheats? Why be your own rat?

  5. 5 minutes ago, Cupidstar said:


    You don't read what you quote, do you?



    But anyway, removing the hmcoins is a bad attempt at fixing something that can be fixed in other ways, but NCSoft doesn't want to spent any money or time on it.

    Your whole deal is win trading. Mine is 3rd party soft wear. Both are against toa. You are not wrong about win trading. I am not wrong about multi tool. It has some good features. It has bad features as well. This is a topic on hm coin. I didnt not apply this feature. I am stating why the company implemented it.  Win trading and cheating both apply here. Its a mass punishment. Its a clear message to the community. 

  6. Just now, Cupidstar said:


    Doesn't matter, offtopic to this thread.

    In fact, YOU DON'T NEED MULTITOOL to wintrade.


    You can put 2 pcs side-by-side.

    One can even be the worse laptop you ever seen.


    Just play your bets to pvp against your laptop one, so you can wintrade.

    Or modify a single DLL file and open 16 clients.






    You ok?



    Quoting from the github:
    "Cheat Engine is a development environment focused on modding games and applications for personal use."


    Quoting the website:

    "Read before download: Cheat engine is for private and educational purposes only. Before you attach Cheat Engine to a process, please make sure that you are not violating the EULA/TOS of the specific game/application. cheatengine.org does not condone the illegal use of Cheat Engine"


    Those using it already know it is against the Terms of Service of almost everything.



    Oh, you're comparing a program that can literally be used to look for values in memory, change memory values and others with a program used to change the values in an encrypted text file and launch the game?


    Yes, they totally are the same............... Like copy-cat! Just make Cheat Engine login into BnS and run the game! But again, that is off-topic here.

    Its all on topic lol. I mean do you read what you're posting before you submit it. Go buy 16 laptops and trade win on those lmfao. Bet you its cheaper to get a free program.

  7. Its still a 3rd party program. It does have stuff that change the game values. It does go against TOA .. Now I want you to place 2+2 together. What's cheat engine in reality? Its the same damn thing. Botting is the same thing another 3rd party program. How can you punish one but not the other? On the severity level of it? Well guess what its all against the Blade and Soul Terms of agreement. So, either way you can't justify it. I want you to go try to make your own laws in whatever country you are in and see how that goes. Blade and soul has a clear policy.


    8 minutes ago, Cupidstar said:


    They could, if they wanted.




    Uh... No. Just no....

    You know this is wrong.

    Banning multitool won't stop the wintrading at all.

    Wintrading was being done before multitool was made!




    Why people post anything at all?




    What are you even talking about???



  8. 1 minute ago, Cupidstar said:


    Yet, for the last years, they didn't ban any cheater/wintrader in PVP.

    Cant... Have to ban 95 percent of players using multitool. Why do you think people posted all that on discord? They spread it so punishment was difficult. To gain leverage. Someone had a smart tactic. Most bought into it too.

  9. 9 hours ago, Eun Misang said:

    I mean all you do is accuse people of using cheats when in reality they're just better than you. Are people using cheats? Yeah of course. Does gear help some people make up for their lack of skill? Yeah. But that's how the game is designed. Instead of crying in here about stuff you can't control, focus on fixing your 2018 gear so you can't cry to others when you die in half a hit.

    Once again coins are gone. Thats not my doing I wasn't stealing them. You didn't expect them to punish everyone for following bad examples? Tell you what if you and your friends go steal from a store I bet they will prosecute you all. Lucky nc soft don't have a way to do that to you guys yet. Multiple people are sick of the abuse of cheat engine and tool. This is years coming. It didn't start with me. You trying to insult me doesn't bother me because I've seen the hacks for years. You guys said they wont punish us. Well they punished us all based on your people's actions. I want you to read what you said. Maybe 3 or 4 times and realize youre just admitting to feeling guilt.


  10. 3 hours ago, Sophronia said:


    I have not been using any 3rd party launchers since UE4. I am also playing on a 100% clean client. I feel punished because now I don't have any reason to play the game; can't get HM Coins, can't afford NCoins. According to your logic, every single person being punished was a 100% cheater. Think better before opening your mouth next time.



    I might be really wrong and I don't like the guy you are talking about either but let me say this. You sound like one of those autistic german whales who tell me to just play the game to get to their giga-whale gear tiers. The sad reality is it does not matter how much I grind because I will always die in 1-2 hits to any maxed giga-whale. We, F2P players, simply cannot compete anymore in 6v6. The dudes, who call me trash because of my gear, don't know what it's like to play on F2P account. I've been watching them for years and they've always been spending. These narrow-minded pricks just don't see anything behind their mountains of gear. Does it mean I should not try to improve my gear? No. However, 6v6 will still be too p2w for us to enjoy.

    Mass punishment isn't my fault lol. It what happens when stuff is massively abused. I play clean always. I understand it though the company got tired of people stealing cashflow items.


  11. 5 hours ago, Eun Misang said:

    Last night you were spamming all chats saying how sojaa and crona darkdance were going to cry about coin being removed, yet here you are doing exactly that. It's so funny. Are you mad you can't multiclient anymore?

     Glad that hm coin is removed. Simple punishment that works lol. Did it to yourselves.

  12. I seen it all just a min ago on a stream. Game guard is easy to bypass. Also 95 percent of the community is using multitool because they believe "its a way of life" because thats what they are told. Reasons why to keep multitool. We have a hacker community and bns has allowed it because it will totally demolish their player base greatly. They cannot do anything because they would have to ban the whole community in NA and EU. Most people who post on here to try and stop me from having a voice are the same people on multiple forum accounts . The honest truth is they are lying to keep this going. This is a tactic that they are using to beat your moderators and avoid bans. They keep spreading knowledge on how to hack so its accepted. I watched a stream of how all this is being done. All of which I know by name now. So all you people who believe your good should never have lost to me. I just seen you all. Some big names in there with people that are leading these clans. Even an ocean admin on discord is doing this. people who say they are not using multi tool for hacking. GCD all the way down to your MS you can mess with via tool. Example I have 34 ms so I could drop my value down to -0.1 or if i had 200 I could drop my ms and ping values to 0.5. So think on that reaction time vs your real ms and ping. This is where they will call it fair and leveling the playing field. Unless you're a legit player. Its basically having an ms of 0. In combination with cheat engine they can outburst of perform you on the only skill they have. Its not fair or legit in anyway. They must enjoy the Sound Of Our Chaos. There is no way a legit using true ms and ping can fight someone or pve the same using multitool fairly.  Also giving that company a horrible name. They are just going to make this Iconic. Which comes to my next Laughy. I've never used any of this and these people die using whale accounts combined with multitool and cheat engine and still think they can pvp. No wonder Thats poor and you're not earning hm coins. You're stealing from a company and its players. I've never in my life stolen from bns community either so. Its all one Puff away from me blowing this up on a reddit with videos. I must just be a Bork. Its like they believe that have Divinity over you. Also giving that company a horrible name. You guys have placed this company in a hard spot and legit players are spamming tickets like mad. All they do is remove the stuff your hacks are abusing instead of you. What good is multitool without the bypass on anti-cheat? Remove Game Guard and get a different kernel level Anti cheat. I have a solution that is cheap and affordable. It will cause massive dmg to the hacking community as a whole, It'll remove the cancer that seeped its way into Blade and Soul. It'll have to recover. People who want to see this game improve should quit using multitool and cheat engine. You'll suffer ms wise and for that I am sorry. I see whole discords that have moved on from bns.  Review this carefully.

  13. 4 hours ago, LynMasterRace said:

    As already outlined in this thread, NCSoft does have the means to stop Multi Tool and BNS Buddy, but that would do little to stop cheating. It would stop CASUALLY doing so, but there's already ways to do it without even installing either. The only solution would be the often quoted server side validation, which will never happen.

    How about they do it all. Including and up to enforcing all rules with a indefinite ban policy. Then maybe they can focus on optimization after. How about we agree on that?  Server-side validation and enforcement. Then optimization with player feedback.  Hire someone with some balls to do something.

  14. 7 hours ago, Cupidstar said:


    Lol... OFC  I do!

    It's to allow more than 1 user to login at the same time, or to allow the same used to login to EU and NA at the same time.




    Nice sarcasm.......

    Yes, that's the wintrading part. You don't need multi client to do that.




    Uh ... Ok?




    Oh yeah, that's AutoHotKey. Maybe a custom-made program in C++, C# or Python.




    Jokes on you, you can bypass that contract on login.




    Obviously the agreement won't say that 3rd party launchers are their lifeline to keep the game running.

    That's the type of stuff that the community managers say in the background, without letting the public know.





    Yes! Everytime a community manager says they are listening to our feedback or says they are investigating cheating videos, they are lying.




    I've been using the 100% vanilla launcher.

    It is horrible, but I've been using it.


    You thought you would get me there, didn't you!?

    Well, YOU DIDN'T GOT ME!


    You have a funny way of thinking lol. Do you use this logic in everything you do? So, you're upset about your reports going unheard right? You're going to defend something that is seen as cheating because you believe it's not cheating and that it in fact helps the games survival. Well buddy people's terms of cheating sometimes exceed your standards. Just because you think you're right don't mean others think you're right. I mean you can go stream on twitch. I'll come watch. Just make sure you're using that 3rd party app that's saving the game. Also, I want you to stream everything its capable of. Since it is not used for cheating and all. You act like I've never seen multi tool lmfao or don't see it on a daily. Every match in battlegrounds last night there was 4 drops on the other team or my team due to 1 person. It's been like that since before patch (A very long time). Same guy. Then that same person speed hacked right to the horn and placed it on his point. Hmm that's not multitool or pvp breaking, is it? Naw not at all. Must be the wind. You know what give this forum more views keep talking I'll gladly humor you being a troll. You can state whatever you want about the tool because I mean all you are doing is giving people who review this forum information. It is a tool that can be used to cheat and more often than not it is used in that manor. You've even stated it multiple times with the addition of there's other ways to cheat. Which is exactly what I want and what this forum was intended to do. Your brain is going to travel to this, so I'll stop you before you even state it. When I play a game, I come to the forums to review if I want to play that game. Soon as that forum shows me that there is unpunished cheating being proven I'll look for another game. Guess what others that do too that's why there is absolutely a falling community. This is not to show the employees of the WEST. Rather to show legit game players who have standards against cheating. I mean most common concept amongst gamers is they prefer not to cheat. That is a fact otherwise they wouldn't have bans or rules even in any game. Dear future player if you are reading this scroll through this forum and decide if it's worth your time. It's not a fair game nor is it a cheat free game. Pay to win wall allowed for people to accept hacking because they are trying to level the playing field and reduce grinding times. Like the game shouldn't have an end game grind. There is trade winning which is people losing on purpose to one another to increase their rank. There are speed hacks and moon jumps. There are ways like gcd to increase your damage. There is abused bugs that are being sold that allows you to get more gear for a price. Multiple hack engines are used, and some are accepted as a way of life in this game. This forum proves that, and this was the point. Thanks to everyone who has participated and interacted. Thanks for all your views as well and your time. Please post here in the forums and nothing will ever be done. Submit a ticket and itll take eons for them to review.

  15. 10 minutes ago, Cupidstar said:


    Those ARE cheating.




    Multitool should only be blamed for the GCD edits, which can be done super easily by anyone who can read.





    I totally agree with you.


    Listen you do know what multi client is? Hmm might be a way you can open multiple toons? Noo I didn't think I seen multi client used for win trading. Not in bg or arena never ever said no one. I see all the time in combo with cheat engine. 3rd party tool is against terms and I see it used to pilot all the time which also goes against terms and agreements. You sign that contract every time you log. Right there your breaking multiple rules. You should read because no where ever, according to the rules will you be right. Its there in writing. Is the game publisher lying to you? Or are you trying to justify doing wrong because its easier. I mean do I need to post the user agreement or no?


  16. 3 minutes ago, Cupidstar said:


    Not only you're wrong, but I don't think you could understand it.

    Even if someone drew it to you.


    3rd party programs are the lifeline of this dying game.

    6v6 and PVE can be cheated without using any 3rd party tool.

    (If you are one of those that thinks that macros are cheating too)


    Cheat Engine can't reliably be "removed".

    It's supposed to not be allowed, but instead of using a competent anti-cheat, NCSoft used GameGuard...

    It's like using a plastic lock to close a gate protecting your car.


    Lmfao lifeline. Killed the game. I was here from the start. Seen a rapid decline with multitool and the acceptance of cheating. Funny it was just about around gunners and tool usage. Thats when it all started.

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