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Roths's Achievements

  1. Now i just saw midnight skypetal plaint has the exchange for hive rancer lol. not sure why i missed that..
  2. i think i had 3 originally, then from upgrading got another 2, then i got some leg gem hammer from quest and added another 1. so it is 6 now.
  3. @robd1978 ah good to know. Will I be able to retrieve some materials from salvaging my current weapon? Also if I keep upgrading my current weapon, there is still chance for it to gain more gem slots right?
  4. @robd1978 Thank you so much! I would have never figured out myself about the market place chest!
  5. Hi , I just finished story quest at lv 60 and doing some dailies now. Could anyone give me some tips for gear progression: - I am at Exalted 6 weapon now. It seems the cost is fairly the same if I switch to raid weapon now then upgrade compared to get to Exalted 9 then switch to raid weapon. is that true? - Regardless, it seems I will need a Hive Queen Rancor eventually. Is doing Temple of Eluvium the only way? I feel like I will have a hard time getting accepted for that raid, since my AP is on 1300. I wouldn't even mind to purchase a material pack from hoonmoon store if it gives the rancor. - What accessories should I work on first? I know the bracelet from Sandstorm Temple. What else? Thanks a lot!
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