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Posts posted by Criston

  1. 17 hours ago, Sunshine said:

    Are you up for a challenge? Enter the twisted and mutated Hunter’s Refuge on January 22. This limited-time zone offers PvE and PvP with rewards worth dying for. https://www.bladeandsoul.com/en/news/hunters-refuge-preview/

    I can see how this is going to go already.  It's pretty much like the last two times I took a Long break from insanity.  I am going to be left out, get upset, close the game and take my money and my time elsewhere.  I play to relax and have fun, not get killed instantly in some hair brained idea that only has one post supporting it.  You really are following in Blizzards footsteps.  I have no idea why you would want to do that, but you are.

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  2. What is with the PvP junk.  I know when the game started, PvP was a big deal, but now I find very few people that actually PvP.  It's Broken, messed up and down right frustrating that you keep forcing us into PvP, but the same maxed out credit Whales are the only players I face.   This is one event I do not care about, which shouldn't matter as I would die   instantly like normal seeing as those that have maxed out their credit cards will be the only ones in there.   I am so sick of having PvP shoved down my throat with it being so messed up and broken.   This is a Whale's dream.

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  3. I fully agree with bringing back all the side quests.  They add a flavor and depth to the game.  The sad part is the devs and people making the decisions really don't care about the community, they only care about doing what every other MMO does, holding your hand until you reach level cap, then throwing you into a community that you really have never been a part of.  At what point does a new player learn to work with the others in a team/party to get joint attacks and combos down now days ?   I learned back starting with BRN and those lessons continued all the way up to the end game dungeons and raids.   Now, no one cares that you have just soloed the entire game and are now fully expected to start queueing up for Dungeons and raids with Zero Experience working with a group that are, more often than not, quite judgmental and at times, down right hostile.  The real reason I have found most new players don't stick with the game is that they get bored being pushed as hard as possible to the end game Dungeons and raids.  They never get a feel for the game, a feeling for the game itself and worst of all, once they get into a few hateful parties, they feel isolated and alone.  Who is going to pay to play anything that makes them feel bad.  I am just different, I really don't care what anyone thinks about me because odds are, they are nothing like what they are trying to portray online to begin with.   But in this age of easily hurt feelings and sensitivity, most really will never make it to the end of the story arc to start with.   This is the real reason I have found, most leave the game and go on to other games that make them happy to play.   The early dungeons and all the side quests really added depth to the game and allowed players a chance to meet other players and get a feel for group combat.  If they just get "run" though a dungeon, the only thing they learned is that they will always be behind in the game and that's likely the worst possible thing they can feel, hopelessness.

  4. 6 minutes ago, Heinzen said:

    I don't spend a whole lot in this game. I sell raids that I run (1 ET, 3 TTs and 2 VTs) and that makes me enough money to """""""whale""""""" my character in staying relevant.

    In reality, the problem you are complaining doesn't even belong in this thread, so I appreciate your input but it's completely irrelevant to what I have raised in OP. Have a great day

    First, I am not complaining.  I haven't said anything other than stating facts, a fact you have put out there for all to see in that you sell yourself for money.  That is what I am saying, you may not pay money, but you do spend "money" to upgrade.  I simply said that the game was still pay to win, which seems relevant to this thread seeing as it was talking about the cost of upgrading.  I didn't say the game sucks, that I hate it or even that anyone could or should do something about it.  I stated facts.  Now, for a fact, I haven't played in teo years, there are many other MMOs that wanted my money as well.  I never hated this game, but I didn't like parts of it.  I am looking forward to see all the changes, but with the 12 different forum topics I have read, it clearly seems the pay to win aspect of the game is still alive and well...something that you have clearly pointed out with your response to me just now.  May you always be happy and lucky, in everything.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Heinzen said:

    This is a recent problem. Market and economy had been fine since I returned to the game (when VT/SK was released) until just a few weeks ago. Their last few changes is what unleashed mayhem. They did acknowledge it in their social stream last week, so hopefully we'll see something done. Better late than never.

    I'm sorry, the fact you can "auction" items that used to be completely bound to you might have changed, but the "pay to win" aspect hasn't changed at all.  I spent over 300 U.S.D. in the game to upgrade, and it lasted exactly 5 months.  Then it was literally worthless gear after that.  I ran raids, dungeons and spent hours a day trying to gear back up before I gave up and just left the game.  The sad part is I liked the game, but not the requirements to either grind and pray to the Gods of RNG that I got what I needed vs. someone that just wanted to be an A.Hole and keep me from getting the items needed, or spend more real money after I had already spent what a normal MMO would have costed for buying the game and paying for 18 months of game play.  Yes, it's a "new issue" that has been around in one form or another for a Long Time.

  6. Ah, well I see the game is still pay to win.   Nice to know nothing has changed in two years I have been away.  I love the "farming" replies.  This isn't a cryptic game, trying to farm BnS is like having your teeth pulled without anything for pain.  Even if they fixed every issue with the old "farming" dungeons and raids, it would still take you forever to get enough to get upgraded to run the dungeons and raids you need to be running to get the gear to be ready to get the gear you really want.  That isn't farming, that is pay us or give up.

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