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Everything posted by Qadosh

  1. I kinda notice of a bug in Wildsong Bracelet for SF only. I've checked the buffs for all classes and specs before typing this and I noticed, for all classes it gives like 9.500% buff on their main skills in combos but for Soul Fighter it's a bit confusing. Since it's a endgame bracelet and people who has endgame or average gears are using it. With the new legendary soul badges and PvE rotation weapons(which every SF go on this path) SFs are never uses Right Punch to stack Chi anymore. And that bracelet procs Right Punch skill. So I checked for the all classes to make sure if NCSoft add that buff on less used skills but I saw that bracelet buff procs classes who their most using and biggest dps skills so I'm kinda confused. I think it's just a suggesting that NCSoft should change the buffed skill to something more SF uses in their DPS rotation like Dragonfury-Frost Storm or Ice Helix. I'm kinda thinking that's why SF has a lower burst than all other classes. It's broken. I'm pretty sure that other main SF players aware of this. Thanks...
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