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Posts posted by Meatballchan

  1. On 4/16/2021 at 1:43 PM, Hime said:

    We have costume rotations every 2 weeks on the Hongmoon Store and they are for a limited time. What costumes in particular do you want to see again? It might be on our rotation schedule or we can potentially add to it.

    @Hime I would like to see the regium corvus outfit back in the shop please ;-; I wasnt able to get that back in 2017 when i last stopped playing and i think its so cute..

  2. On 3/21/2021 at 5:05 AM, Lewis Qui said:


    4) New players: I really would't want to be a new player. Because if you dont spend your money, you won't get anything even if you spend your big time. Just you can understand that with new unity stone chest. And most of community really don't want new player in their party or you won't get help as much help as it should be.


    As far as new players not getting any help I don't necessarily agree with that part as they have been helping new players with gear I mean you cannot expect them to handout EVERYTHING. Needs to be some work donw on new players part to feel a sense of some kind of accomplishment but what I will say is the communtiy as a whole as sunken low in terms of quality player base. Not too many friendly people to interact with and I agree that while newbies should expect to be carried through everything all the time, senior players should be nice and offer a helping hand on occassions but most are afk fishing  or afk at mushins it seems. Unfortunately mmorpg player base communites seem more toxic then it was years ago and finding nice non toxic TALKATIVE players was easy as hell and you could make so many friends. Now everyone is just in their clan and most of the clans in bns seem dead from what I heard a new player tell me after she kept looking for guilds and they were all dead.



    On 3/21/2021 at 5:05 AM, Lewis Qui said:


    5) F8: f8 is empty. But this week most of alt or multi char running in there. People running 2 char and one of them afk. Again company doing someting or event worse than before.



    I agree f8 is empty compared to 2016-2017 when I played. The reasoning for them being empty makes sense though because like I mentioned above to many toxic gamers nowadays.

  3. 21 hours ago, moveZneedle said:

    What do you expect when NCWest's CEO is KOREAN?

    There's nothing they can do. They have no power over it.

    Western players HATE grinding and NCWest acknowledged it during the early bns streams, however with NCWest restructuring  3 times in 4 years[?] everything is gone to ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤. theres no communication between the teams etc..

    And people think UE4 will save it..gosh so naive.

    Do you still play this game? 

  4. On 3/11/2021 at 7:25 PM, Grimoir said:


    People call everything p2w, when there is even a tiny bit you can get with money. Truth be told this game actually gives you a lot of free stuff, but people do not really want to see it or appreciate it xD

    I agree with this 100% anything that’s able to be bought with money they instantly slap a “P2W” label on it. How else will they make money? Should they turn the game into pay to play subscription monthly? People will find a way to complain about that. And if they only included cosmetics in the store that’s not going to be enough to sustain the game. Yes people love cosmetics but there are a lot of people who don’t spend a dime on cosmetics but love to spend on other things.

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  5. On 3/6/2021 at 3:39 PM, moveZneedle said:

    As someone who returned to BDO recently im afraid thats not true. The BDO characters still look more realistic and show more emotion even when standing still. Based on Frontier BnS and  the new UE4 Trailer the BnS characters are still emotionless outside of emotes and still look plastic dolls.

    And i doubt the characters will be changed dramatically.

    The game isnt dead, its in  a rapid decline however.

    And your attitude is extremepy pathetic if i may add.

    Your attitude wont make NCsoft wake up, but ignore you as you offer nothing to anyone in these forums.

    The BnS franchise already shot itself in the leg, and it will never recover, and any logical person knows that, but ur attitude damnnnn

    let people be happy something positive happens, nancy.

    As someone who has played BDO the past 4 years I agree that their graphics by far are impeccable. As far as emotion I'm not sure about that because their faces to me don't seem to show expression like BnS characters do when they do their idle pose. When BDO characters idle pose they dont make any faces if I'm not mistaken its a blank expression. The "Plastic dolls" comment i can agree bns characters have a doll like cartoon look but thats what I love about BnS character design, I don't always want to play a game where the characters look like real humans. theres enough games on the market that utilize that aesthetic already, it's just BDO dam near perfected it. I have been playing bns for 4 days now. I quit back in 2017 and I am excited for UE4 and they claim to fix the optimization and thats all I care about. As far as p2w most people aren't bothered by that I believe. I mean look at BDO. Player base is great and they have plenty of so called p2w aspects but alot of people don't seem to care to the point of quitting sao i think bns may revive itself solely from optimization fixes but thats just my opinion please don't attack me >.< But i just wanted to share my thoughts with you.

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