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Posts posted by Kelvinator

  1. There are plenty of pay to win items for ncsoft to milk their players even with pet pods being "free". You are forgetting all the pay to win things they have introduced over the years that have barely been made farmable in the game: soul, heart, unity stones, certain psyches, gems, just to name a few. Let's not forget the new ancient system and slate system, while these are not really p2w features as of now, we all know Fusion stones and runes will be available on F10 in one form or another. My point is that nc soft still has plenty of things for whales to buy even if they just turn a blind eye on people "exploiting" the "bamboo event". In fact, I have managed to sell 20k gold on F9 during the last few weeks; something that doesn't normall happen, so they might have even gained more profit because of this "event".


    While letting players obtain hard to earn items for free might demotivate players from investing more, this so called fix is certainly even more demotivating. I personally am not a huge spender but I have always been willing to put in the money on well designed outfits, in spite of me always hating to have to gamble through troves and rng boxes to get the one outfit I want. Now I have lost most of these outfits thanks to their incompetence. If they are not restored this week, I intend to just drop this game and never touch a game by NC again.

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