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Ausuna Kentmen

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  1. Hi there blade and soul fans, how do i find fate of the aransu chapter 5 find zulia in the temple of eluvium? it shows the location but i cant get there, im kind lost. I appreciate your help as im stuck here for awhile now.
  2. ohhh thank you :))) so glad to hear this thanks buddy :D
  3. Hello there blade and soul fans, First time asking for help here, I have lost my way on BLADE and soul dwindling light act chapter 1 act 10, i have a star sign but it doesnt show where this is... can any1 let us know where or what village i have to go to again. I got side tracked and lost. I done some youtube and googling and it was in Korean. I tried to retrace my footsteps but just going in circles lol. I really apprecaite you help and support. I hope you all have a great day/night where ever you may be :) Many thanks
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