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Posts posted by SSailorJupiter

  1. I returned back and started the returning questline( which if you didn't know it can be obtained by activating it where the activation codes are ) and one of the quests requires me to participate in 3 1v1s ( wasn't terrible to find ) and 3 3v3s ( which I haven't gotten into yet because of long queue times ). Have you guys even considered that the content is dead still and are giving returning players essentially a gate?

  2. Events aren't supposed to have some arbitrarily high dps test. Yes TT has been out for a while but that doesn't give them an excuse to put out a poorly executed event. I still fail to see why people in ET need this weapon (which you are going for in the first place) to clear. Also people are questioning why many of us "plebs" are complaining about the cosmetic being behind a dps wall and in turn pay wall. Idk about you but black goes with a lot of cosmetics than pink with flowers...

    Honestly the playerbase needs to stop ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ing up the events, I remember people complaining that events are too easy. That's kinda how they work though, it's supposed to give us a break from harder content.


    If there was any way to calculate the median dps of the community, it would be a better call than to cater to the top.

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