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Posts posted by Walex

  1. I've been waiting for an actual update to comment the change.


    1. "Our goals are to shorten the maintenance time and be able to resolve post-maintenance issues more quickly." 

    This update was event related. It was announced to be 5 hours long but was delayed to EIGHT hours.

    What "resolve post-maintenance issues more quickly" is supposed to mean?
    "Due to changes in the maintenance time, all systems, contents, quests, and shop reset periods are scheduled to change from Wednesday 6:00 AM to Tuesday 3:00 PM PDT."

    We were supposed to get "all things mentioned above" reset at the same time as maintenance time (midnight CEST), yet stuff like dash/login rewards reset at the same time as they used to at 8 AM CEST (meanwhile dash board wasn't changed, and login rewards lost "the key"), but that's not even the main issue - our daily/weekly challenge resets at 5 PM, which basically means one can't do daily stuff before 5 PM because it did not reset yet, or do it before 5 PM next day but only have time till 5 PM, AND deal with the fact that some people have it already finished so it becomes even more difficult to finish.

    2. "We recognize that the regular maintenance time is an important aspect of your gaming experience, and we are committed to making this change as seamless as possible." & "we look forward to continuing to provide you with the best possible gaming experience."

    This is why you, after 7 years, literally STEAL our "extra week" on EU instead of adding one for NA?
    We had the ability to gain login rewards, use dash spins, open trove, and get event rewards from D.E. between 8 AM (reset time) and 1 PM (maintenance time) everytime a patch was about to be applied. And you "say" that you make it "as seamless as possible"? That's what you call providing best possible gaming experience?

    On top of that we still have broken soul boost (Altar removed from demonsbane and not replaced by anything nor anything else added, people are unable to reach max level... also it's worth mentioning that KR has/had a few stages of sb, next one being unlocked by getting level 42 and wearing the outfit... and we don't), we have NO notification(s) about Hamann and people have to keep asking others (meanwhile Hamann times are at 21:30, 00:30 and 3:30 which are terrible, literally FORCING to stay at night if someone missed the first one, and then only the first one is available on maintenance day while the other two are unavailable during maintenance time... literally the best possible gaming experience right here), also can't forget about patch notes that are ridiculous... half (if not more) of informations are missing, and the other half is poorly translated...

    There's probably more to be mentioned.

    Are you sabotaging your own game that you're publishing or what the hell is happening during this year?
    This is more than unacceptable. And You get paid for this.

    • Like 4
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  2. 12 hours ago, Hungibungi said:

    You are wrong.

    Eu had this same exact problem, now it switched. Eu has maint while we are asleep and NA has it mid-day. Since EU has way more players, I think it is fair; should have been done years ago…

    I'm pretty sure that this maintenance shift removes our (EU) "extra" week for events (and other stuff).
    Idk how it's fair for you.

  3. 6 hours ago, Riohn said:

    Yes bring more Duo, you do not have to play with randoms. it's YOUR own choice, people have friends to play with and can share the loots either ways and learn mechanics together as a DUO. they could also put personal loots like in demonbane in them and no bidding ( random loots to each member of course ).
    Spectral shrine Duo NM-HM

    Shrouded Ajanara DUO EM-NM-HM

    Sanctum of the masters DUO
    Playing solo is on your own volition, no one is tying anyone's hands to force them to be with anyone. but making the game more of its name MassivlyMultiplayer instead of Solo content(with a choice) is highly recommanded

    Game too hard Pepega
    We refuse to learn class and mechanics Pepega
    Let's make solo content NOT a solo content Pepega

    Plx more carry Pepega

  4. 17 hours ago, VeristrA said:

    Did you see youtube guides and Google Doc guides? They are either slideshows or people not talking or talking in other languages.

    I had a few friends tell me how they worked, stood with me while livestreaming so they can explain mechanics... that's how I learned and it was more efficient than watching guides.

    No one is stopping you from doing it solo. If people need help they should get help.

    Yes I've seen Youtube action videos and Google doc guide, and that's how I've

    learned and cleared Eva HM with ET gear back then, and farmed brand new stuff.


    Nowadays people just refuse to learn (and I don't mean HM, I mean EM, which has tons of hp less) simple stuff while having tons

    of free OVERPOWERED gear for this content. But sure, let's add more duo content, let's be babysitters for nohands. What a brilliant idea.


    There's a huge difference between "help" and "carry". Help would be when someone's got not enough dps and that causes wipe, but that's not the case.

    Seeing all these answers kinda makes me wanna relog on one of my gunslingers and run that dung just to see how easy would it be...

  5. On 2/15/2023 at 11:11 AM, VeristrA said:

    Game is on life support as it is.. lets drive away whatever new players it has left because of a handful of snowflakes that are sad about a few chat spams.

    Maybe help them when you see the message? So they don't spam?


    And teach them while you're at it.

    Youtube: <exists>
    Guides: <exist>


    We had to run HM with ET gear so what exactly is stopping those players to run EM (literally easiest
    mode which is useless and outdated) with 3-4 tiers of gear more (overgeared as hell) FOR FREE?

    Another thing is that solo content is supposed to be an actual solo content.
    Idk where did that "let's make one of solo dungeons duo for EM" idea came from.

    • Like 1
  6. We get patch notes only a very few hours before an actual patch time, which is ridiculous.

    Now as everyone can see, we're getting way more missing/wrong previews and patch notes, bugs in

    game, AND on top of that, we're getting a maintenance post only like 4 (Feb 1st) - 20 (Jan 25th) min

    before an actual maintenance, which is even more ridiculous... and today we don't even have one.


    They literally keep showing us how much they DON'T care yet they keep making money.

    • Like 1
  7. So more way overgeared players can spam chats asking for "help" instead of clearing simple stuff? 🤦‍♂️

    Personally I've been clearing Eva HM with ET gear, which is 3 tiers below starcross. And that was what, 3k bap?
    Nowadays tons of people with starcross (and some with oculus) ask for help with EM. And that's like 5k bap?

    Stop baiting.

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