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Posts posted by LonerInWait

    • Name of the item: Fable/Fable Head Adornment, Dark Distinction, Diabolique Set
    • Category of the item: Costumes
    • Release Method: Premium Outfit (Fable Set) and F10 RNG Outfit Chest (Dark Distinction), Event rewards (for Diabolique)
    • When was it last released?: 2019 (Fable), Fantasy Outfit Chest in Aug 2018 (Dark Distinction), Any Seasonal Event (Diabolique)
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  1. As an old player myself, the current system gives me little to no incentive to run old content, outside of dailies or helping on purpose. It's not productive of my time, as I've already done the gearing/farming prior. Unless the game design drastically changes, it's going to stay this way. The game already takes a lot of time to maintain 'top gear' - I want to do things to keep gearing, otherwise it's a waste of my time. So try and understand why geared players do not bother most times.

  2. The current system already favors newcomers more than it used to be (when gear was raid-locked). In the past, unless you knew people who could help, you're either paying to get gear, or swiping on the game, or slowly trying your luck. With soul boost, it's a gradual but eventual process to get decent gear to do any content in-game. As mentioned by others, all you really need to do is Stage 5 of Demonsbane for the latest tier of accessories, which is not difficult at all. The base accessories and upsurge weapons provide a powerful boost in comparison to the mythical leveling (which is costly and the difference between a said newcomer and advanced player).

    There is a reason people bother gearing in the first place - you need it to clear harder content. If you remove the difficulty of content, you remove the incentive to gear. Games like FFXIV have a party system that rewards older players for helping newer ones, which means scaling individual rewards based on a certain metric (like a gear score or level etc), even though the difficulty might be easier or the same for everyone in the run. However, FFXIV also scales players to the dungeon content level, making gear slightly trivial for most things, and making runs become longer. But frankly I doubt this will ever be implemented in BnS, as grinding is core to the game. Running a dungeon 100s of times is considered normal. You just need to get to the starting line (aka geared enough for Stage 5 DBs) and you'll be able to keep progressing. Anything above 5 is for advanced players.

  3. Firstly, I'd like to say the new content is challenging enough, but the HP values are pretty high for our current gear. I truly doubt a team of average players can clear Stage 6+ of the new dungeon reliably for the new accessories and weapon. In comparison to Chaos Supply Chain, the dps requirement is pretty huge imo. (No, I don't have a problem, but that's cause I have about 8k BAP and what not). I'm just thinking how it's gonna deter a portion of the players because they'd be farming to realise they're stuck until they gear more.


    RNG class drops is also a very backward system, but that's been anticipated anyway. We're going back to a system from BT and VT days, except that it's worse since it's only class specific, not even a category of classes or elements (which we had). Very fun.

    Soul boost dungeons are kind of a mess; in the sense you can't run them from F8 anymore. The 50 AP achievement is literally undoable now since it requires Demonsbane runs to count (I've tried clearing AD on Hard Mode, didn't count). I need this needs to be addressed so that players can work towards the achievement asap rather than having wasted uncounted runs. I'm also questioning, but how are we supposed to get fusion stones consistently if they don't drop from FoE anymore? Or am I mistaken. Thanks for reading my rant.

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  4. As an avid raider myself, I would say that a viable solution is smaller raids like 8-man versions to accomodate the balance between the difficulty of organizing 12 people and to avoid making it too simple with 4-man mechanics. The reason raids are alluring is because it allows room for more complex mechanics or coordination over typical dungeons. 

    Raids have often been a barrier for players with lower gear or no time to commit to the game, of which I suppose having an alternative method of obtaining raid gear would suffice (as with Demonsbane type content). However the direction taken to almost completely invalidate raids at this point, kills the appeal to want to raid. With future updates, raids will be pretty much redundant.


    Another solution is to have old raids with updated/scaling difficulty to match current gear levels, with appropriate rewards. Clearly many newer or returners never got to experience Scorptomation progression hell and it would be a great joy for them to relive one of the mechanically toughest fights. Maybe.

  5. So I had an issue with transferring a max talisman back to my alt cause the Skywatch tier is not bound to account, unlike its max-tier counterparts like Soul, Heart and Pet. Is there a reason why this is the case or any intention to standardize this? My main has 2 max talismans now, one being a white elephant.

    Obviously I've already written a ticket for help and got rejected. Thanks. Will be rocking a Stage 1 HM Talisman on my alt till then, not a huge deal but obviously still dps loss. Anyone who asks me what about the story one - I tossed that long ago, because it was a lower tier than what I have on my alt. 

    Also side suggestion, but it would be nice if the merchant for Chaos Supply Chain SS sold INDIVIDUAL SS instead of rng boxes cause it's kinda annoying to grind away to get the piece you don't want or need. Thanks.

  6. Bad:
    3 star crits are underwhelming at times, mainly the ones with cosmetics or weapon skins, when you get the same items from 2 star ones
    Too many outdated items such as old accessory chests from old dungeons (realistically people only want mythical ones now)
    And by extension, legendary jewels are largely redundant. Elements are still useful.
    Nocturnal, Shimmering scales and Serpent's Den Soul Shields are overpriced for the current game's economy

    Any gems below square/triangular, would take too many to make it useful for most players - should be updated with newer max tier gems
    Pvp upgrade materials rather redundant due to lack of players doing 6s now

    Updated gems/tiers to reflect current max tier gems
    Different/new cosmetics
    Blessed material chests


    Add these (in line with current gear/content):

    Mythical accessory chests

    Shadow fury weapon material chest
    Anima/fury for players to work on amulets
    More sterling scales, need a lot more with heart upgrade changes
    Pet gems (Triangular and above)
    Crystals/crystal pouches/synthesis stones for mythical upgrades
    Bigger quantities of exp charms, ethereal vials, fusion stones and noc/shimmering scales. Current max is HM40 and we're still seeing 3x 10k exp charms as rolls.

    Chaos tokens
    Ability to make all weapon skin chests tradeable or bound to account

    Guaranteed 3 star crits after x number of keys. It's rather unrewarding to never get one even if one uses a lot of keys.
    Increase limit of HMC keys a day or create bundle priced option of 20 keys. 

    I've been troving since the first trove, many keys at times. By many I mean in thousands. It can be an underwhelming experience, usually pacified by guaranteed rewards by milestones.

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