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Posts posted by DomiSotto

  1. Trying to figure out what to pick for levelling next week as a Force Master. I really wanted a red-head character, but the only shade of red they have seems too bright to be natural. I also tried a Yun, but I don't like how hips are, and how the female faces are all so cartoonishly smooth. Any thoughts on which one looks more interesting would be much appreciated.






  2. 3 hours ago, CoolGirl said:

    All classes have the same hair colors, but certain hairstyles will make it appear darker or lighter than usual. Perhaps one of the Yun hairstyles does this? Or could just be lighting of where the picture was taken.

    TY, I will give it a try. 

  3. Does the decent looking red hair come as a default on the Yun or are they purchased/mods of some sort? I have tried it when creating other characters and it looks very unnatural, and absolutely horrid on the facial hair.

  4. The character I played the most so far is my Lyn Summoner, but I did not get it for the looks - just needed someone for a levelling challenge.  Here is my Gon Destroyer that was my first character who I was going to main, and going to restart playing I think. And my Warlock who I am going to finish the story on hopefully tomorrow :) 







  5. 1 hour ago, Kohashi said:

    well... i love the tattoos dont get me wrong but.. the quality of those are bad and pixelated if you zoom in ..which is why I am a bit.. meh about it..


    and ermm... thanks :) this topic sure needs more male chars in it  so... my contribution

    At a distance you usually view your character the tattoos look fine :) We don't really have close-ups a lot in this game, as the cutscenes are not as numerous and elaborate as in SWTOR.

  6. I like the tattoos! I want MOAR male outfits in the same vein with different patterns! Having many more chars like yours and Weifong's around will significantly improve my gaming experience. Junhado had reigned supreme as the pinnacle of awesomeness for long enough :)

  7. 13 minutes ago, Fraou said:

    A note to all those (including the one posted right above me) who say that a Yun mate with a male of an other race.


    If you mate a male lion with a female tiger you get:




    3)A new species



    Guys and girls, i think you haven't read you Biology book at all.


    Maybe you should start do?

    And that is why gynogenesis was brought in as an actual example of female-only species that reproduce by the eg stimulation by other species, without the sperm fertilizing the egg.  As well as a hermaphrodite version and parthenogenesis. 


    In short, while someone like Nylisa might just want it to remain a mystery and magic, but there are evolutionary adaptations that could be used in this case to make it as pseudo-modern as spraying those tea plants with pesticides, wearing 21st century outfits and shooting machine guns in the world that is supposed to be fantasy. 

  8. oh, you should have read previous page on all possible and known forms of both sexual and asexual reproduction, and while it is applicable to frogs, fish and salamanders rather than mammals, well, why not in a fantasy world :) As long as the male can face the consequences of the mating if they really by analogy..... heh.


    Part of me really wishes it was a part of lore.


    Even if it is scaled back from the amazon molly's fecundity to accommodate for the womb capacity, if a Yun in the presence of the donor species started producing 5-8 baby Yuns after each stimulation.... that would have been so awesome! This game just makes me wish it were so! There is a funny fan-fic there somewhere in it....

  9. Oh, cool. I love the article on the Amazon Molly, the one true gynogenetic species:




    The Amazon molly reaches sexual maturity one to six months after birth, and typically has a brood between 60 and 100 fry (young) being delivered every 30–40 days. This lends itself to a large potential for population growth as long as host males are present. The wide variability in maturity dates and brood sizes is a result of genetic heritage, varying temperatures, and food availability. They become sexually mature faster and produce larger broods in warm (approximately 80°F) water that provides an overabundance of food



    Given that the males in BnS show an uncanny desire to adopt baby girls, I have no problems believing that any Jin or Gon is gonna jump at the chance of hitting a reporoductive jackpot by stimulating a Yun's egg.


    Where is the writing team? We have a thread here choke-full of awesome ideas for them to incorporate into the next chapter! Lore galore!!! Completely scientific!

  10. 3 hours ago, Zelsadora said:

    My main,Gon ForceMaster Zelsadora


    He is ridiculously photogenic compared to my Jins .w.



    With my husband's Destroyer (hahaha yes we always switch genders on every MMO that we played xD)



    My Warlock Mephistopheles Regia


    I always put him on Yellow Dahlia,it looked so much perfect on him



    My Sin that being neglected as he still lv 11 until now


    That's an awesome male Gon, Zelasdora, I can actually see it working as a Forcemaster. I tried making one and it was a no go with that  class.  And an interesting take on a Sin as well.

  11. 3 minutes ago, Gamer4ever said:

    I haven't read this whole topic, but while what i did read was interesting, what if the answer is a boring one?


    Unless i missed it in the game or lore that the yun are exclusively and absolutely female, what if the Yun ARE a two gender race and the males just arn't playable or mentioned for what ever reason?

    No, the official lore states that it is 'purely female'



  12. Fantasy genre often struggles with the distinction between the species and the races, and the opposing desires for having multiple exotic species and satisfying the desire for a viable inter-breeding with the exotic from a mundane human.


    For example, in DnD, initially the half-elves were rare sterile wretches denied the elven communal consciousness and hated by humans as an unfortunate product of inter-species cross-fertilization.  That was eventually smoothed over, and elves became real pretty pointy-eared humans with vague reference to a higher philosophical and artistic ideals nobody really gets to see.


    Star Wars struggled with a perennial desire to breed humans with twileks (and everything else that moves and have females that can be reasonably appealing to a human male), resulting in endless debates on half-Twileks. Star Wars verse really takes the cake on the whole species creation initiative, so they have it the worst.


    Now, in Blade and Soul, Gon and Jin actually feel like races, not species. It’s not hard to see the two interbreeding and producing offsprings.


    Lyn are distinctive species.         


    Lyns are by the virtue of carrying the animalistic treats (similar to the non-playable species that are bi-pedal, sentient and somewhat antropogenized  monkeys, lizards, wolves, etc. How far the Lyns are genetically removed from Gon and Jin will determine if they can produce viable and non-sterile offsprings.


    Yun, unlike Lyn, looks completely human. However, the description says ‘female only’ that may mean either of the two.

    Yun may be Human by species, and either Jin or Gon as a race, or a third race, and interbreed with Humans. They then rely on the Human Males of whatever race to reproduce simply practice social customs that either eliminate male offsprings at birth or prevent the formation of a male offspring via magic.


    Or, Yun is a separate species that are capable of self-propagating. Which means that they should be capable of parthenogenesis in one of its forms, or be hermaphrodites.


    There is an exciting Wiki article on the subject…  To me, androgynous, hermaphrodite species would have been more interesting, but then the Character Creator should have let me put together cool otherworldly androgynous creatures.


    Curiously, I suspect that the devs would get more flak for: “OMG, this game is immoral!” if they flat out created an ephemeral sprite-like Hermaphrodite or Parthenogenetic species, then for the suggestion that Yun are really just nubile human gals ripe and ready for human males to fertilize, and they kill off or prevent conception of the male babies, 'cause reasons.

  13. W/o the Fourth wall, hermaphroditism is an easy and viable explanation that makes Yun a distinct and unusual species, rather than a throw-back to 1970's Startreck style where all aliens are pretty human girls with a couple of make up twists dying to breed with human males.


    NCSoft breaks the 4th wall a lot, tbh, and it is hard to say if the game even has one, with a lot of modernisms and RL stuff being in the game particularly in regards to costuming and weaponry.



  14. Overall, I stand by my initial theory that procreation of Yun is achieved by Human males fertilizing the Character Creator in order to spawn the fully grown and eternally youthful virtual females in an attempt to bypass the restrictions of the RL grind of the quest chain that is heavily RNG dependent. It literally make take years to get a Human Female.

  15. They are hermaphrodites. Any self-procreating race with only one gender will have to be by definition, unless they use a division mechanism. There are various biological adaptations, but to me the hermaphrodite is the easiest explanation.


    But, honestly, is not the point of this species to make the character designer less cluttered with options for making real pretty girls?

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