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Posts posted by Poporo

  1. I stopped to log in too for about a week, it's just not enjoyable. Every time I think about the game I get goosebumps, so shitty it became. There is literally no activity left that is fun and doesn't lag. All raids, all new dungeons are lagging trash. And that attitude... to game and players from NSWest... You crossed line long time ago - were just squezzing a game and dropped the ball on perfomance, lost huge playerbase cause were adding more and more lagging trash to 1 core engine but now you on high speed left that line and flew far far away from it. That is not how you treat your customers, no-no-no. Honestly I am glad people are quitting. I love B&S, but your version of B&S compare to KR became a complete unplayable garbage. I tested it many times, in diferent locations, in different days, different time, B&S perfomance on EU is worse than on KR and I see only 2 reasons for that - either your client is trash or your server is trash. There is no point to prolong such pathetic project. Koreans either fix it here or all players will leave. That is fair. Those who will stay are 5GHz guys with liquid cooling will get bored of playing with each other. You... me... and that's it. Looks like you can't hold people by only adding shining swords, trove and other crap. Every patch it's worse and worse, every patch I ask who needs all that crap when the whole game became one big lagging trash and so-so lagging trash for only owners of 5GHz cores. Only you guys, only you, Players need perfomance.

  2. The thing is the faster a class the more hits it does. The more hits it does the more processes load a core. And hello, we have only one core here. The simplest solution (which will not be implemented cause who gives a candy to optimization problems except players) is to decrease BM's speed at least twice and increase appropriately damage. 

    I don't understand only how could they made something like that for a game that functions on 1 core. The people who come up with ideas and code... have IQ higher than 70, right? 

    No, seriously I was thinking and discussed it many times with people, nobody can understand how something like that could be coded in such game. Even considering that Korean client laggs much less, have no stutters but still even there BM in raids is a tough case... People who code are not familiar with B&S? Is it some freelancers who took a project but didn't look what it's for?

  3. Because there are extra 6 swords are constantly behind char you better say goodbye to all swords with animation. It takes like 10 FPS. Also 3d spec is quite endurable on 32-bit client, the problem is 32-bit client itself is unendurable. Maybe it is related to RAM, 64-bit after updates consumes more than 11GB. So it's a memory leak. And users with 16GB+ RAM have better life on BM's 3d spec. By the way, please be a lamb and say to developes when they release a new spec/dungeon/raid or I don't know...a dress to attach a list of hardware components we are supposed to buy to be able to use it. Oki?) Cause this all is no go. The whole game lags as sht because BM's skills. At least now we now a new level of Hell in B&S - it's to be in a party with 5 BMs on 3d spec :D I am wondering will my PC explode If I go to raid with 11 BMs? :HongWhat:

    P.S. This file is 00060548.upk and it will not save you. Maybe in a mix with 32-bit client. They push more and more for 4000MhZ+ CPU, 16Gb+ RAM for who knows what reason...:tired:

    Maybe their playerbase is so huge, so they that easily cut some BMs.

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